- view on sea right 海权观
- He took a mournful view on human affairs. 他对人世持悲观的态度。
- His view on the question do not square with mine. 他对这个问题的看法跟我的不一致。
- I incline to his view on the matter. 我赞同他对这个问题的观点。
- He challenged my view on that matter. 他就我对那件事的看法提出异议。
- They have expanded my view on the question. 他们已更充分地阐明了我对这个问题的观点。
- The sailor told of his adventures on sea. 水手讲述他在海上的冒险。
- Move focus between the side pane and the view on the right side. 在右侧的侧窗格和视图之间移动焦点。
- Function test of radio console on sea trial. 航行试验中组装报务台效用试验。
- Being on sea, sail; being on land, settle. 随遇而安。
- Function test of radar on sea trial (mooring test). 航行试验(系泊试验)中雷达效用试验。
- May I ask for your views on a few questions? 我能否请你谈谈对几个问题的看法?
- You have no right to enforce your own views on me. 你无权把你自己的观点强加给我。
- I don't hold with his views on education. 我不同意他在教育问题上的观点。
- He has rather indefinite views on the question. 他对该问题的看法颇暧昧。
- Anchoring and weighing test of windlass on sea trial. 锚机航行中抛起锚试验。
- Do you have any particular view on the company's financial disaster? 对该公司的金融灾难您有什么特殊看法吗?
- Her views on this chimed with mine. 她对这个问题的看法与我一致。
- His views on the question do not square with mine. 他对这个问题的看法跟我的不一致。
- They have opposite views on the question. 在这个问题上他们持相反的观点。