- The view area of three cents, esch special featrues. 三个景区,各具特色。
- The track view area updates to display all clips in their entirety. 轨迹视图区域更新显示所有剪辑全部帧。
- In local processing mode, the control opens a report definition, processes it, and then loads it into the view area. 在本地处理模式中,控件打开报表定义,对其进行处理,然后将其加载到视图区域。
- By default, document libraries for a site are accessed from the Quick Launch pane on the side of the main view area. 默认情况下,可以通过主视图区域一侧的“快速启动”窗格访问站点的文档库。
- A document map is a navigation area that is attached to the left side of the report view area. 文档结构图是附加到报表视图区域左侧的导航区域。
- A finished, rendered report is returned to the control and displayed in the view area. 将向控件返回一个处理完且已呈现的报表,并在视图区域中显示此报表。
- A progress indicator appears in the report view area while report processing is underway. 在处理报表的过程中,报表视图区将会显示进度指示。
- Your photos appear as thumbnails in the viewing area to the right. 您的照片将在右侧的显示区域中显示为缩略图。
- The Web Part includes a view area, a toolbar, a collapsible area for setting credentials and parameters, and properties. 该Web部件包括视图区域、工具栏、用于设置凭据和参数的可折叠区域,以及属性。
- When a user navigates to another report page, the next page is generated and the frame in the view area is updated to show the new page. 当用户导航到另一报表页时,将生成下一页,并且视图区中的框架会被更新以显示新页。
- Control until the item is the last item in the viewable area of the control. 控件的内容,直至该项成为控件可视区域中的最后一项。
- Pyrex glass, protected with alloy mesh, provides large viewing area. 派热克斯耐热玻璃,合金网保护,提供大视觉范围。
- Main view area is the primary area for viewing and editing project information and is where users perform their work. 主视图区域是查看和编辑项目信息的主要区域,用户可以在此处执行各种操作。
- Actions in the side pane affect the views and information displayed in the main view area. 侧窗格中的操作会影响主视图区域中显示的视图和信息。
- Properties that allow you to configure the processing mode, view areas, and toolbar. 允许配置处理模式、视图区域和工具栏的属性。
- When selected, displays a vertical scrollbar which allows you to scroll up and down to view elements that fall outside the viewing area of the Editor. 选定后,会显示一个垂直滚动条,供您上下滚动查看位于编辑器可视区域外的元素。
- The high farmland view area is a Yangshuo the point tour of the tour area, any arrive Yangshuo , swim necessarily above-mentioned everywhere, the bicycle accompanies to swim, the lovers swims, personal swim alone all proper. 高田景区是阳朔旅游的重点旅游区,凡到阳朔,必游上述各处,自行车结伴游,情侣游,个人独自游皆宜。
- The screen on the monitor serves as a scrollable window into a much larger viewing area. 监视器上的屏幕用作进入一个更大观察区的可滚动窗口。
- Taking the view area of Panzhihua city as an example, the suitability appraisement and regionalization of vegetation rehabilitation was undertaken in the dry hot valley by using GIS technique. 以攀枝花视野区为例,研究了基于GIS的干热河谷区植被恢复适宜性评价及分区方法。
- Can you swing them round to my point of view? 你能让他们转而支持我的观点吗?