- A selective ensemble of multi E-HMMs based face recognition algorithm is proposed, selecting many accurate and diverse models for ensemble face recognition. 提出了一种基于E-HMM的多模型选择性集成人脸识别算法,选择出个体精度高且互补性强的模型来进行集成的人脸识别。
- video based face detection 视频人脸检测
- His research interest includes pattern recognition and machine learning, image and vision processing, face recognition, biometrics, and intelligent video surveillance. 李子青的研究领域包括统计模式识别与机器学习理论,以及生物特征识别、智能视频监控,图像处理与计算机视觉,图像与视频理解。
- Thirdly, an algorithm of ensemble thinning based on EPD is developed and used to construct an improved face recognition system. 第三,提出了一种基于EPD的分类器集合精简算法,并利用它设计了一个改进的人脸识别系统。 在AT &T人脸数据库上的实验结果证明,使用该算法可以在减少多分类器系统中分类器数量的同时,保持甚至提高识别率。
- Eigenface method for face recognition raised by M.Turk and A. 特征脸人脸识别方法是M.;turk和A
- Based on the ORL and Yale face database five kinds of face recognition technology, including PCA features, LDA features and HMM, are used. 基于剑桥大学人脸识别研究组提供的OCL标准人脸数据库和耶鲁大学人脸数据库,本文采用最小欧氏距离分类器和余弦分类器分别对人脸图像的主分量分析,二维主分量分析,线性可分性分析,二维线性可分性分析,隐马尔可夫模型方法进行了识别试验。
- Its 3 megapixel camera sports face recognition and anti-shake tech. 另外还有个支持脸部侦测、防摇晃(应该是轻摇...
- They used face recognition to spot known terrorists. 他们使用面部识别技术来确定已知的恐怖分子。
- In audio-visual data preprocessing, a mepg4 labeled face feature points based face animation parameters generating method is adopted, this method explores possibility of extracting mpeg4 based face animation parameters (FAP) direct from video. 在数据预处理方面,采用了面向Mpeg4标记点的人脸动画参数生成方法,实现了从视频图象中直接提取Mpeg4定义的人脸动画参数。
- A method of region eigenface component compensation based on eigenfaces was proposed to solve eyeglasses interference in infrared face recognition. 基于特征脸,提出了一种区域特征元补偿的方法来消除红外人脸识别中眼镜的干扰。
- Based on random subspace,a complementary subspace linear discriminant analysis (LDA) approach is presented for face recognition. 基于随机子空间,提出了一种用于人脸识别的互补子空间线性判别分析方法。
- This paper presents a face recognition method based on cascade Linear Discriminant Analysis(LDA) of thecomponent-based face representation. 文章提出一种基于人脸部件表示的级联线性判别分析人脸识别方法。
- Research on next generation on-vehicle video navigation system and video based Initiative Safety System. 下一代车载视频导航及基于视频的汽车主动安全预警系统。
- A new algorithm of face recognition based on global and local feature extraction was proposed to solve small samples in LDA. 针对线性判别分析的小样本空间问题,提出了一种基于类向量的融合全局和局部特征的人脸识别算法。
- This paper presents a real-time detection method for anchorperson shots in news video based on COM technology. 文中提出了一种基于COM技术的新闻视频主持人镜头实时检测方法。
- Trainor can produce safety orientation video based on their professional experiences and clients specific requirements. 泰致德公司根据自己的专业经验及客户的行业特点,为客户制作高质量的安全教育片。
- The result of experiments on ORL face database prove the method of face recognition based on ICA and wavelet neural network is better. 采用ORL人脸数据库对本文的算法进行验证,实验结果表明在人脸识别时取得了较好的效果。
- This paper proposes a temporal error concealment method for video based on multi-directional boundary matching. 文中提出了一种基于多方向边界匹配的时域误码掩盖算法。
- It has high applicable worthiness at the domain of face recognition. 在人脸识别领域具有很强的应用价值。
- What can facial caricatures tell us about face recognition processes? 猴子的病变研究告诉我们哪些关于大脑辨识能力的机制?