- This paper analyzes the admission controls of large-scale video storage server and the admission tactics of video server based on disk system. 分析了大规模视频存储服务器的准入控制和基于磁盘系统的视频服务器的准入控制策略。
- Another big improvement of DVD video storage is its 525-line resolution,which is far greater than the resolution offered by laser disc media and almost twice the resolution of standard VHS videotape. DVD影像储存的另一个大进步是它的525线分辨率。这个分辨率远远大于激光盘媒体所提供的分辨率,几乎是标准家用录像系统(VHS)分辨率标准的两倍。
- It proposes the rule of three which guarantees video storage server to admit more users. This rule of three is based on disk system. The data blocks searched by a user is guaranteed in proportion to its velocity of playback in service period. 提出了基于磁盘系统的为保证视频服务器接纳更大数目用户的比例法,即保证在每个服务周期中为每个用户要求检索到的数据块的数目与其对应的回放速率成比例,这种算法能够保证得到支持多用户媒体回放的稳态性和迁移态连续性的要求。
- Another big improvement of DVD video storage is its 525-line resolution, which is far greater than the resolution offered by laser disc media and almost twice the resolution of standard VHS videotape. DVD影像储存的另一个大进步是它的525线分辨率。这个分辨率远远大于激光盘媒体所提供的分辨率,几乎是标准家用录像系统(VHS)分辨率标准的两倍。
- This dissertation gives some insights into key issues of network-attached storage, and builds such an embedded video storage and retrieval system based on Berkeley DB, which is used in video surveillance system. 本文在研究网络连接存储(Network-attached Storage,NAS)技术和数据库理论的基础上,设计并实现了一个以Berkeley DB为数据库引擎的嵌入式视频存储和检索系统。 该系统应用在视频监控网络中,提供海量视频数据的快速存储和查找。
- This paper compares MySQL, Berkeley DB and XML database from four aspects mentioned above, and choose Berkeley DB as database engine to build an embedded video storage and retrieval system. 本文综合评估了MySQL、Berkeley DB和XML数据库的各项性能,确定Berkeley DB作为嵌入式视频存储和检索系统的数据库引擎。
- In the design of the system, the author has completed video capture, video display, video storage, video compression, motion detection, video transmitting, video accept, and created a LAN, and realized IP multicast. 本系统在设计过程中,完成了视频的采集、显示、压缩、智能存储、网络传输、网络接收,还完成了局域网的组建,实现了IP组播。
- In video disk, a consecutive sequence of frames. 在视频光盘上,一种连续的帧序列。
- A good video camera will cost you a pretty penny. 一台好的摄像机要花掉你很多钱。
- The cinema has largely yielded to the home video. 电影业在很大程度上已让位给家庭录像电影。
- They showed a video of "Gone with the Wind". 他们放了录像片《乱世佳人》。
- A storage cell in some amorphous memory devices. 某些非晶体存储器中的一个存储单元。
- Could you video the documentary for me? 帮我录一下这个纪录片好吗?
- The good video is always rented out. 好看的录像带总是被借走。
- I'm going to have a video rental shop and make a bomb! 我要开一个出租录像带的店,赚大钱!
- He fed the storage tank with gasoline. 他往储油罐里加满汽油。
- She is a star of stage, screen and video. 她是舞台影视三栖明星。
- Meat is kept from falling away in cold storage. 肉放在冷藏库里以防腐烂。
- Surplus wheat is put in storage and shipped abroad. 剩余的小麦被储存起来运到海外。
- The idea has been put into cold storage. 这想法一直被搁在一边。