- video data amalgamation 视频数据融合
- Packet loss over IP network can degrade the quality of video data. IP网络中,分组丢失是影响视频数据恢复质量的重要因素。
- Rate at which video data is transmitted to the output device. 视频数据传输到输出设备的速率。
- Picture Type: Shows if the video data is an intra(key) frame or interframe. 图片类型:表明如果视频数据是一个内部的(关键)帧或兼容帧。
- Video Data Count: Shows the number of frames the symbol currently contains. 视频数据计数:显示当前元件所包含的帧数目。
- A profile for audio and video data may be found in the companion RFC TBD. 一个为视频和音频数据做的概要说明可以在RFC TBD里找到。
- Once he was rejected even if he just wanted to be an assistant of someone.Now he is engaged as an advanced professor by Hangzhou dianzi university, being famous in the field of data amalgamation. 曾经他连想给别人当个助手都被拒绝,今天他是杭电的特聘教授,在数据融合领域已经颇俱盛名。
- Information of structure and rock alteration are extracted from ETM remote sensing data which deal with data amalgamation and image enhancement by HIS space transform and main component analysis. 因此从遥感信息中解译直接找矿信息(控矿构造与蚀变信息)是有效、经济、快速的地质调查方法。
- The group created MPEG-2,a compression scheme to efficiently distribute high-quality,full-motion video data. 这个专家组编制的MPEG-2是一种有效分配高质量全活动视频数据的压缩方案。
- Experiments show that this method can provide satisfactory shot segmentation results in common video data. 测试结果表明,该算法能够有效地对视频信号进行镜头分割。
- Audio and video data resemble a stream-like behavior, and they demand, even in a compressed mode, high data throughput. 传输音频和视频数据即使在压缩模式下也需要大数据吞吐量。
- Also, we design and offer the system solution for video data information by supplying ecording and other devices. 还有,通过供应录像及其它装置,我们设计并提供图像数据信息的系统解决方案。
- This system transfers SD video data from SD-SDI or BT656 interface to HD-SDI data according to SMPTE292 standard. 通过视频格式转换,将SD-SDI或BT656输入接口的标准清晰度格式的视频数据转换为满足SMPTE292标准的高清晰度的数字串行视频输出数据。
- The group created MPEG-2, a compression scheme to efficiently distribute high-quality, full-motion video data. 这个专家组编制的MPEG-2是一种有效分配高质量全活动视频数据的压缩方案。
- Also, we design and offer the system solution for video data information by supplying recording and other devices. 还有;通过供应录像及其它装置;我们设计并提供图像数据信息的系统解决方案.
- The management of the bitstream and the parsing of video data are the basis of the video decoder. 网络视频解码的基础是码流的管理和视频流的解析。
- SONY series camera USB drivers, mainly for DV video data from camera to computer connection driver. SONY系列摄像机USB驱动;主要用于DV影像资料从摄像机到电脑的连接驱动.
- It supports the information transmission of actual LAN and DSL network, and is answer for processing IP, audio and video data. 它支持目前的LAN(Local Area Network,局域网)或DSL(Digital Subscriber Loop,数字用户环路)网络传输,负责接收及处理IP(Internet Protocol,因特网协议)数据和音视频流。
- RTF protocolBecause of the real-time requirement, RTF is studied and used to transmit audio and video data on network on UDP protocol. RTP协议 考虑到系统实时性的要求,对于音频及视频数据的网络传输采用了UDP上的RTP协议来实现,有效地解决了传输多媒体流时的延时、抖动问题。