- He was battling against the vicissitudes of life. 他在每况愈下的生活中奋斗。
- We know that fishing is out of season now. 我们知道现在不宜钓鱼。
- The boys were caught fishing out of season. 这群男孩在禁捕季节捕鱼被人抓住了。
- Holiday prices are lower out of season. 在度假淡季,度假费用较低。
- Strawberries are now out of season. 现在不是草莓当令的时节。
- The novel described the vicissitudes of daily life. 这部小说描述了日常生活的变迁兴衰。
- He told us the vicissitudes of a lake branch. 他给我们讲述了一个湖汊的变迁史。
- What a feeling of vicissitudes of history? 一种历史沧桑感啊。
- She has experienced the vicissitudes of life. 她一生饱经沧桑。
- The fishermen knew that trout were out of season at that time. 渔民们知道,那时不是捕鳟鱼的季节。
- The old man had experienced many vicissitudes of life. 这位老人饱经沧桑。
- We are conscious of the alternation of seasons. 我们意识到季节的交替。
- They passed through all the vicissitudes of the Polish nation. 他们和波兰共患难,历尽种种沧桑。
- The fire of youth consumes the vicissitudes of life. 带着青春的火花,然后生活中的繁琐。
- the vicissitudes of seasons 季节的变化
- EXMP: the novel described the vicissitudes of daily life. 这部小说描述了日常生活的变迁兴衰。
- vicissitudes of seasons 季节的变化
- Hunting is forbidden now; it is out of season. 现在禁止狩猎,已过狩猎时节。
- The vicissitudes of life may suddenly make a rich man very poor. 在人世的沧桑中, 一个有钱人突然也会变成穷光蛋。
- Strawberries are out of season now. 草莓现在已过旺季。