- Development and implementation of regulatory standards for veterinary biologics in Canada. 制定并贯彻加拿大兽医生物制剂的规范标准动物生物技术的计量单位。
- Providing Canadians with timely access to safe and effective veterinary biologics for the prevention and diagnosis of infectious diseases in animals. 及时地为加拿大居民提供安全有效的兽医生物制剂以预防或诊断传染性动物疾病。
- To protect the health of Canadian animals, the public, and the environment by regulating veterinary biologics in Canada. 通过规范在加拿大的兽医生物制剂,保护加动物健康、公众健康和环境。
- Veterinary biologics needed for compulsory vaccination shall be produced by enterprises designated by the administrative department for veterinary medicine of the State Council. 强制免疫所需兽用生物制品,由国务院兽医行政管理部门指定的企业生产。
- To meet the licensing requirements, veterinary biologics must be shown to be pure, potent, safe and effective when used according to the label recommendations. 兽医生物制剂要符合许可证要求,必须按照标签说明显示其纯度,药效,安全和有效性。
- Where applying for exporting veterinary biologics to China, the applicant shall, in addition, provide the master seed bacteria (viruses or insects), cell lines and other relevant materials and data. 申请向中国出口兽用生物制品的,还应当提供菌(毒、虫)种、细胞等有关材料和资料。
- Infectious Bursal Disease Vaccine, Live (LIBDV Strain) CEVA-PHYLAXIA Veterinary Biologicals Co.Ltd. 鸡传染性法氏囊病活疫苗(LIBDV株)匈牙利诗华-费拉西亚兽医生物制品有限公司(2004)外兽药准字43号2004.;11-2009
- Guidelines for the Regulation of Veterinary Biologics produced by Biotechnology 由生物技术开发的兽用生物制品条例
- Committee of Veterinary Biologics Outlines of Ministry of Agriculture 农业部兽用生物制品规程委员会
- A person who practices veterinary medicine. (兽医)从事兽医医学实践的人
- How a veterinary biologics enterprise to prepare for qualifying veterinary drug GMP 兽用生物制品企业如何准备兽药GMP验收
- Measures of Biosafety Control to Genetically Modified Veterinary Biologics in Research and Development 兽用基因工程生物制品研究与开发的生物安全控制措施
- veterinary biologics for the prevention and diagnosis of infectious diseases in animals. 向加拿大人民及时提供安全,有效的兽医生物制剂以预防和诊断动物传染病。
- Biosafety problems of China's veterinary biologics in research, production and circulation fields and the countermeasures against them 我国兽用生物制品研制、生产、流通领域中的生物安全问题和应该采取的措施
- veterinary biologics that come from an epidemic area and may cause the spread of the epidemic disease within the territory of China; (二)来自疫区可能造成疫病在中国境内传播的兽用生物制品;
- A veterinary surgeon is a doctor of a sort. 兽医是一类医生。
- He was still frightened of the veterinary surgeons. 他对外科兽医一直心有余悸。
- This is the final criterion of veterinary practice. 这就是兽医业务的最终目标。
- To engage in the practice of veterinary medicine. 当兽医从事兽医医学的实践
- Are Biologics the Wave of the Future? 生物制剂将来动向?