- The crowd fell back to let the ambulance through. 人群往后退,让救护车通过。
- A person who practices veterinary medicine. (兽医)从事兽医医学实践的人
- The ambulance clanged down the avenue. 救护车当当地沿街开过。
- He was taken by ambulance to the nearest hospital. 他被用救护车送到就近的医院。
- An ambulance dashed to the scene of the accident. 救护车风驰电掣赶往事故现场。
- veterinary ambulance [医] 兽医[用]救护车
- The crowd bore back so that the ambulance could pass. 人群向后退开,让救护车可以开过去。
- The ambulance reached the collapsed building in due time. 救护车及时赶到了那座倒塌的大厦。
- The light was red but the ambulance drove straight through. 红灯亮着,但救护车闯了过去。
- An ambulance officer brought a stretcher for the injured woman. 救护车工作人员带来了一副担架抢救那位受伤的女子。
- A veterinary surgeon is a doctor of a sort. 兽医是一类医生。
- If he gets any worse, we must phone for an ambulance. 要是他情况恶化,我们就得打电话叫救护车了。
- An ambulance was racing along with its sirens wailing. 救护车响着警报急驰而过。
- The injured were taken to hospital by ambulance. 受伤者被救护车送进了医院。
- He was still frightened of the veterinary surgeons. 他对外科兽医一直心有余悸。
- This is the final criterion of veterinary practice. 这就是兽医业务的最终目标。
- To engage in the practice of veterinary medicine. 当兽医从事兽医医学的实践
- The ambulance landed him in a hospital. 救护车把他送到了医院。
- We'll send the ambulance to pick him up. 我们要派一辆救护车把他接走。
- Bachelor of Veterinary Science D.C.L. 兽医学士。