- We have no vested interest in this respect. 我们在这方面没有既得利益。
- He has a vested interest in Mona leaving the firm. 莫娜离开公司对他有利(他可能获得莫娜的职位)。
- It was difficult to end the system of slavery before the Civil War because the people who owned the slaves had a vested interest in keeping it. 美国南北战争以前,要废除奴隶制度是因难的,因为维持这一制度的人有既得利益。
- Vested interest groups are responsible for the creation of policy. 政策的创立取决于既得利益集团。
- Exporters have vested interest in continual membership in club. 所有出口商对于继续作为自由贸易俱乐部的一员有切身利益。
- Allen is the chief objector to the proposed by-pass, but he has a vested interest because it would take most of the trade from his garage. 阿伦是对所提议的旁路计划的主要反对者,他是既得利益者,因为那会把他汽车修理厂的大部分生意夺走。
- Employers have a vested interest in their employees' health. 雇主是其员工的健康既得利益者。
- We, all of us, have a vested interest in keeping the game going. 我们所有的人对继续这游戏都是既得利益者。
- They have a vested interest in keeping their club as exclusive as possible. 他们希望他们的俱乐部尽可能限制会员加入以从中受益。
- You have a vested interest in Tim's resignation,eg because you may get his job. 蒂姆辞职可能对你有好处(如因你可能得到他那份工作)
- The uninformed American public has developed a vested interest in their condemnation of Mary. 蒙昧的美国公民把对玛丽的谴责发展成为一种既得利益。
- The tobacco companies have a vested interest in claiming that cigarette smoking isn't harmful. 烟草公司声称吸烟无害是因为他们对此有既得利益。
- Vested interests whose jobs are, in effect, being outsourced. 那些被亚洲医院抢去饭碗的既得利益集团。
- Do not listen to this sophistry by vested interests. 不要听信这些既得利益者的诡辩。
- You have a vested interest in Tim's resignation, eg because you may get his job. 蒂姆辞职可能对你有好处(如因你可能得到他那份工作).
- Product leaders have a vested interest in protecting the entrepreneurial environment that they have created. 产品领先公司对保护他们所建造的企业环境拥有既得的利益。
- The prosecution believes that defense witnesses in DNA hearings often have a vested interest in making sure that the subject stays controversial. 控方认为,在DNA听证会上辩方证人经常有一个既定的目的,即确保主题保持有争议.
- "The government has a vested interest in maintaining the health of this company," Larson says. “政府对通过保持这家公司的良好经营从而获取回报很热衷。”
- In material culture, the main influence is that of the status and the vested interest. 在社会物质文化方面,主要是既得的地位和利益因素的影响。
- Politics and vested interests often come in, and emotions may run high. 这当中往往涉及政治与既得利益,大家的情绪亦会变得高涨。