- large diameter and very long pile 大直径超长桩
- The snipe has a very long thin beak. 鹬长着非常细长的鸟嘴。
- She couldn't concentrate on a book very long. 她不能长时间专心读一本书。
- The machine's life is very long. 这机器使用寿命很长。
- It didn't take Albert very long to go through his inheritance. 没有多少时间,阿伯特就花完了他的遗产。
- Amber is the resin of pine trees that grew very very long ago. 琥珀是古老的松脂。
- The quotation of very long passages should be avoided. 应该避免摘引非常长的段落。
- very long pile 超长桩
- China has a very long coastline. 中国有漫长的海岸线。
- The briefing won't take very long, and then will descend to particulars. 概况介绍不会太长的,他接下去就要谈具体问题了。
- I have considered very long to the problem. 我已对问题考虑了很久。
- About 2500 years ago there was a very long war. 大约2500年以前,有一场旷日持久的战争。
- This will be our task for a very long time to come. 这就是我们今后很长时期的任务。
- They may endure as varieties for very long periods. 在极长时期内停留在变种阶段。
- China had a very long period of feudalism. 中国有很长的封建时期。
- Sure,but I won't be able to stay very long. 可以。不过我不能呆太久?
- I've got some very long speeches to learn in Act 2. 幕中我有些大段台词要记。
- The compass was invented in China very long ago. 在很早的时候,中国就有了指南针的发明。
- There is one section of very long road to leave. 有一段很长的路要走。
- Have not you ridden a horse very long,and right? 你很久没骑马了,是吗?