- very intense neutron source 超强中子源
- He's very intense about everything. 他对一切都很热心。
- The Spallation Neutron Source Providing the Most Intense Pulsed Neutron Beams in the World Is Being Built in Tennessee by the U.S. Department of Energy. 美国能源部正在田纳西州建造世界上最强脉冲中子束的散裂中子源。
- She is a very intense person who cares deeply about everything. 她是一个很认真的人,对每一件事都很在乎。
- Such a lamp requires water cooling, and when operating it is a very intense source of white light. 这种灯需要加以水冷,当它工作时是一个十分强烈的白光光源。
- DZF-B portable broadband controllable neutron source. DZF-B便携式宽频带可控中子源
- Ah, yes. Very intense young man named David. He plays polo. 是,一个很冲动叫大卫的青年,打马球的。
- All the day to computer radiate very intense, is the skin black? 整天对着电脑辐射很强烈,是不是皮肤会黑?
- Scrambing for talent among developed countries are very intense. 发达国家之间的人才争夺战也十分激烈。
- T-Nation: You were always known as a very intense trainer. 型国家:你总是被称为一个非常激烈的教练机。
- "Experiences like that in the war were very intense," says Christopher Dowling. 这位发言人说,战争期间类似的经历确实令人终生难忘。
- Frequency bandwidth and duty ratio are main specifications for the controllable neutron source. 频带宽度与占空比是可控中子源的主要技术指标。
- For liquid xenon, the light is very intense and lasts about 10 nanoseconds. 对液态氙而言,闪烁光非常强烈且可持续约10奈秒。
- The theoretical programs related to the spallation neutron source for accelerator driven system (ADS) are discussed at present work. 有关散裂靶物理的理论计算程序的建立和基准检验是目前工作的一个重点。
- Very intensely, because I am an intense person. 有些极端,因为我是一个极端的人。
- The eyes of rabbit received 0.0125 GY single exposure dose of fast neutron from Amc-Be neutron source. Am-Be中子源;0.;0125Gy快中子照射北京灰兔双眼及全身;照射时间为150分钟。
- The religious flame war between these two churches can get very intense. 这样两个阵营的争辩会越来越激烈。
- The spallation neutron source induced by intermediate energy proton-nucleus interaction is a key point and has not solved yet for the transmutation and applications. 散裂中子源是这个系统的一个重要部分,也是一个急需解决的重点。
- Brandi: Yes, this was a very intense scene, especially with the group dynamic. 可以,那是一部很不错的影片,特别是集体的那段。
- Abstract The 1.6 GeV proton synchrotron proposed in the Chinese Spallation Neutron Source(CSNS) project is a high-intensity proton synchrotron. 摘要 目前正在进行可行性研究的中国散裂中子源的主体结构是1台强流质子同步加速器。