- VEWS? Very Early Warning System? 极早期预警系统?
- very early warning system 甚早期报警系统
- Don't worry, we have a tsunami early warning system. 别担心,我们有海啸预警系统。
- The bank crises cause alot of costs and loss to a country's economy and social welfare, so, it is very importantto study the early warning system (EWS) of bank crisis. 银行危机已经成为一种全球现象。 由于银行危机会给一国的社会经济、福利带来巨大的损失,如银行股东所持有的股本权益减少或消失,存款者的银行存款丢失,解决银行危机需要大量的财政支出,使一国经济增长速度放慢甚至出现负增长,导致一国失业率的升高,影响货币政策的效果等。
- Every school should have an early warning system to avoid this problem. 每个学校都应该打好预防针,防止该类事故再次发生。
- VEWS Very Early Warning System 极早期预警系统
- By eavesdropping on plants it should be possible to develop an early warning system to detect pests and disease. 通过探测植物的声音可以形成预警机制,探明植物病虫害情况。
- The WMO and its 188 member states are working to set up an early warning system for extreme weather events. 世界气候组织和他的188个成员国家正在努力建立一个极端气候预警平台。
- It says it is very important to establish early warning systems and to help nations strengthen their health systems. 世界卫生组织说,建立早期的预警系统和帮助一些国家加强保健系统非常重要。
- Basic early warning systems are being set up in the affected areas. 受灾地区将会安装预警系统。
- Kenji Kuwashiro of the Keihin Kyuko Railway says its commuter train network is already using the early warning system. 这个新的预警系统利用了两种波的间隔,得出将要爆发地震的警告。日本通过几十年的发展,全国有1000多个地震议,现在可以通过计算机网络来预警。本周即将启动这一系统。
- A preliminary construction on conceptual framework of regional forest resources early warning system. 区域森林资源预警系统概念框架的粗略构建。
- A case study on running mechanism of regional forest resources early warning system. 区域森林资源预警系统运行机制的实例论证
- If Protoss players do tech towards the Colossus, they will also have access to observers very early, giving them early warning to when the Ghost is in play and where it may be shooting its EMP from. 如果神族玩家优先发展巨像生产的可以的话,他们同样将很快能生产“观察者”(神族探测器),这样他们就可以提前预警幽灵兵什么时候加入战斗,以及EMP技能将从那个方向发射来。
- We will improve the early warning system for disturbances to social stability and the emergency response mechanism. 完善社会稳定预警体系和应急处理机制。
- He wants the IMF to be at the heart of a global early warning system against financial turbulence. 他希望国际货币基金组织处于预防全球金融风暴的早期预警系统的中心。
- The UN weather agency says it is working with its partners to establish an early warning system for climate extremes. 联合国气候组织声明它正在与伙伴合作建立一个提前预报极端天气的系统。它也创建了一个监测气候变化影响的长期跟踪系统。
- The UN weather agency says it is woking with its partners to estabilsh an early warning system for climate extremes. 联合国气象中心称,它正与合作伙伴一起建立极端天气的早期预警系统。
- This Greek dish is of a very early date. 这个希腊盘子是很早时期的制品。
- The Index of Leading Economic Indicators (LEI) in the US acts as an early warning system,telling us when the economy is about to change direction. 领先经济指标指数在当地可是个预先警报系统,能显示经济是否正要转向。