- vernal equinox correction 春分点改正 - 星表
- Yeah, we celebrate the Vernal Equinox and have a day off. 对,因为我们会过春分节,放一天假。
- A festival was held in her honor every year at the vernal equinox. 每年的春分时刻都有为她举行的节日。
- They are thought to have arisen with the celebrations of the vernal equinox. 人们认为他们是出自于庆祝春分的来临。
- The former, occupied by the sun at the vernal equinox is known as the equinox. 前者是太阳在春分时所在的位置,通称为春分点。
- The zero point is the Vernal Equinox, also called the point of Aries. 零点是春分点,也叫做白羊座点。
- During a tropical year the sun moves from Vernal Equinox to Vernal Equinox. 在一个回归年内,太阳从春分点转回到春分点。
- When the Vernal Equinox dawned on me, I immediately knew it was right. 当春分到来对我来说,我立刻知道这是正确的。
- As the saying goes, "Vernal Equinox up wheat, fertilizer to keep up. 俗话说“春分麦起身,肥水要紧跟”。
- A festival was held in her honor every year at the vernal equinox (春分). 节日每年在春天的昼夜平分点(春分)在她的荣誉中被拿着。
- Recall that vernal equinox is one of the two intersection points of the celestial equator and the ecliptic. 赤经计算的起点为春分点,相信你仍记得春分点是天球赤道和黄道的其中一个相交点。
- That the Vernal Equinox front and back three day troat is the day visiting the grave on the other shore. 春分前后三天叫春彼岸,是上坟的日子。
- The autumnal equinox is the point in the opposite direction of the vernal equinox. 与春分点相隔180°的另一点, 就是秋分点。
- The vernal equinox and autumnal equinox herald the beginning of spring and fall, respectively. 春分和秋分,分别预告着春季和秋季的开始。
- Vernal Equinox, the yin and yang with a half also, so days and nights are cold and flat. 春分者,阴阳相半也,故昼夜均而寒暑平。”
- In the United States, the spring equinox, also called the vernal equinox, comes in the month of March. 在美国,春分是在三月来临,又被叫做弗纳尔分点。
- The identification of an "age" with a particular zodiac constellation is based on the sun's position during the vernal equinox. 十二星座的“时期”鉴定是建立在太阳在春分点的位置的基础上。
- On March 20 or 21 of each year, the Northern Hemisphere is reaching the vernal equinox and enjoying the signs of spring. 在每年的三月二十或者二十一日,北半球到达春分时节并欣喜地迎接春天到来的迹象。
- Although the new year has been celebrated since prehistoric times, it was celebrated on the vernal equinox rather than what we now consider the first of the year. 尽管元旦的历史可以追溯到史前时期,但当初人们是在春分,而非一年的第一天,庆祝节日。
- In the years around 2000 BC, the Babylonian New Year began with the first New Moon (actually the first visible crescent) after the Vernal Equinox (first day of spring). 大约在公元前2000年,巴比伦的新年随着春分(春天的第一天)之后的第一个新月(实际上第一个看得见的新月)开始了。