- vermiform filling defect 虫蚀状充盈缺损
- Case 1: A filling defect is seen in the posterior basal segment of the LLL pulmonary artery. 例1 :一个充盈缺损,是出现在后基节的微光肺动脉。
- The color flow of the portal vein revealed no color,red,mosaic or filling defect. 结果 :pv内CDFI可显示本色、红色、混色或充盈缺损。
- Urethra damage showed the temporary filling defect or rigid marginated narrowness, with typical damage history. 尿道损伤则表现为暂时性的充盈缺损或边缘较僵直的狭窄段 ,有典型的外伤史 ;
- Tuberculous pyelitis showed deformed renal pelvis, filling defect and hydronephrosis. 结核性肾盂炎CT表现为肾盂及部分肾大盏变形、充盈缺损及积水征。
- A duodenal filling defect and union of Double duct sign are CT characteristic manifestations of carcinoma of papilla duodeni major and carcinoma in the region of Vater's ampulla. 十二指肠乳头部癌与壶腹癌二者不易区别,十二指肠腔内缺损及合一的双管征则是典型表现。
- Blood filling defect and narrowing of the arterial lumen made the luminal flow slender,with fast velocity showing color mosaic appearance. 管腔彩色血流充盈缺损 ,管腔狭窄者彩色血流变细 ,流速加快 ,见多彩镶嵌血流。
- X-ray barium meal examination showed esophageal have round, oval or lobulated filling defect, edge neatly around the normal mucosal pattern. 线钡餐检查可显示食管有圆形、卵圆形或分叶状的充盈缺损,边缘整齐,周围粘膜纹正常。
- Intravenous urography, retrograde pyelography and computed tomography all showed a filling defect in the lower calx of left kidney. 在文献上使用过的名称包括纤维瘤、纤维表皮细胞瘤、纤维息肉、纤维表皮性息肉及缺陷瘤性息肉等。
- Results 24 cases showed circular filling defect, 12 cases showed stringy filling defect,ductal blocked in 30 cases, ductal dilation in 48 cases. 结果乳导管造影示:24例显示类圆形充盈缺损,12例呈条柱状缺损,30例导管杯口状堵塞,48例导管显著扩张。
- Results Irregular filling defect and hydronephrosis were seen in the renal pelvis and calyces on intravenous pyelography(IVP). 结果静脉肾盂造影(IVP)显示肾盂、肾盏内不规则充盈缺损,肾盏积水。
- Of those imaging findings the position and shape of dilatation,narrowing or filling defect were visualized clearly on MRCP. MRCP对扩张的肝内胆管、胆总管及狭窄端胆总管形态显示良好。
- One of them showed a small filling defect at the greater curvature of prepyloric region. 5 cases were mainly ulcerative in appearance. 其中1例表现为胃窦幽门前区大弯侧充盈缺损;5例以溃疡病变为主;
- Conclusion:This study revealed that the area of abnormal myocardial motion measured by DPTI agreed well with that of filling defect area measured by MCE. 结论:动物实验研究表明DPTI反映的室壁异常运动区面积和MCE反映的心肌灌注缺损区面积没有差异。
- Results:Cysto-urethrograms demon strated the filling defect caused by posterior urethra valve as well as the dila ted posterior urethra and the features of a obstructive bladder. 结果:12例造影中直接显示后尿道瓣膜负影,全部病例均显示后尿道不同程度扩张及阻塞性膀胱造影征象。
- We suggest that classifying the filling defect patterns of ureteral TCCs may provide important preoperative information for planning treatment and predicting outcome. 输尿管肿瘤可以根据尿路摄影中填影缺损型态的表现,作为手术前的重要参数是有助于手术前的治疗计画与肿瘤预后的预测。
- The partial or complete intraluminal filling defect were displayed on the CT images oith pulmonary hypertension.Conclusion:Spiral CT angiography is a fast,effective and non-i... 结论:螺旋CT血管造影作为一种无创、快捷、有效的检查方法,在肺动脉栓塞诊断中具有重要的价值。
- Hypotonic duodenography showed an abrupt filling defect at the third portion of the duodenum and abdominal ultrasound revealed a narrow aortomesenteric angle. 十二指肠造影发现于第三部分有突发性显影阻断。腹部超音波则显示上肠系动脉角度过窄之现象。
- The filling defect sign was classified as central type (n=117, 9.43%), mural type with sharp angle (n=226, 18.21%), mural type with obtuse angle (n=576, 46.41%) and completely-obstructed type (n=215, 17.32%). 肺动脉内充盈缺损包括中心型 117支 (9.;4 3%25 );锐角附壁型 2 2 6支(18
- The colonoscopy showed an oblong smooth cecal tumor in the appendiceal area, and the double contrast barium enema studies revealed a normal colon except for a longitudinal filling defect in the cecum. 本文主要提醒临床医师,极少数的病例在接受阑尾切除术后,其被反塞入盲肠的阑尾残馀部份可能未完全坏死,而极似盲肠息肉样肿块。