- ventral medial hypothalamus 腹中下丘脑
- Spinal cord ventral medial sulcus 脊髓前内侧沟
- however, the synchronized bursts disappeared after unilateral transection through the middle of the medial hypothalamus. 但是单侧下丘脑中间内侧部横切则可阻断这种同步化爆发放电。
- Inhibitory effects on the myoelectric activities of genioglossus during stimulating ventral medial area of nucleus facialis in rabbits 刺激家兔面神经核腹内侧区对颏舌肌肌电活动的抑制效应
- medial hypothalamus 内侧下丘脑
- Stuss and Shammi's most humorless patients had a damaged area in the frontal lobe known as the medial ventral prefrontal cortex. 斯特斯和谢米所研究的那些最没有幽默感的病人,其脑前叶的受伤位置就在一个叫做“脑前叶下腹中轴皮层”的地方。
- But regardless of the type of joke, the subjects' medial ventral prefrontal cortex always lit up. 但无论哪一类型的幽默,那个叫做脑前叶下腹中轴皮层的区域都始终处于激活状态。
- Flattened along the dorsal and ventral surfaces. 匍匐的沿着背部和。
- Ventral is equivalent to anterior. 腹侧与前面意义相等。
- That part is the ventral visual pathway. 我们称这一部分为腹侧视觉途径。
- The liver is somewhat ventral in position. 肝脏的位置在腹侧。
- The heart is medial to the lungs. 心脏在两肺的中间。
- Medial Toward the median plane of the body. 靠近身体正中面。
- Adrenal insufficiency with medial treatment. 用中间的治疗肾脏附近的不充分。
- NAc was divided into medial and lateral parts. 内侧依偎隔区,外侧是外囊。
- The temperature control centre is located in the hypothalamus. 温度控制中心位于下丘脑。
- The main trend of medial part of NAcp was to the stria terminalis,thalamus,the place around cerebral aqueduct,and ventral midbrain. 伏核强大的联系纤维就存在于后端围绕着前连合。
- The ventral nerve cord is covered externally by a peritoneum. 腹神经线外被以腹膜。
- The posterior hypothalamus performs the function of defence against cold. 下丘脑后部执行着抵御寒冷的功能。
- Targeting the ventral hyperdrive generators will be most effective. 袭击船身腹部的超光速引擎 这样的破坏效果最好