- That of Kaladze was a venial sin. 另外卡拉泽的手球应该可以原谅。”
- It was a venial sin until the Qin of Warring States. 它在先秦社会是一种轻罪,到了战国时期的秦,始被刑罚认真对待。
- A venial sin, because you committed it with no intention of acting wrongly. 是可恕之罪,因为您的行为并无不良图谋。
- What are the evil effects of venial sins? 问:犯小罪有什麽害处?
- Why are such sins called venial sins? 问:这等罪为什么叫小罪?
- The venial sins are relatively minor and more easily forgiven. 可宽恕的罪都是比较微小且易被原谅的。
- What is a venial sin? 问:什么是小罪?
- Venial sin or mortal sin? 是可恕之罪,或是死罪?
- Early Christian teachings divided sins into the mortal sins and the venial sins. 早期基督教教义将罪分为不可赦免之罪及可赦免之罪两种。
- While only mortal sins must be confessed, it is helpful to confess lesser sins, known as venial sins too. 我努力不让自己的眼泪流下来,只对她说人就是这样慢慢学会长大。
- Our lesser sins (venial sins) are forgiven whenever we make an act of love towards God, like going to Mass or asking for God's mercy. 每当太阳升起的时候,我睁开眼睛,总要感谢上天,给了我新的一天,让我能好好地过这一天,我是多么的幸运啊。
- These sins are called venial sins because they do not separate the soul from its last end, nor destroy its supernatural life; also, they can be forgiven outside confession. 答:因为不使人离弃自己的终向,也不使人失落超性的生命,且在告解以外也能得赦。
- Even if we have only venial sins to confess, it is very good to go to Confession because not only do we receive God's mercy, but we grow in the life of grace. 她们去洗澡了,殊不知将她们妈妈---我的眼泪引了出来,本想将它藏起来的,但是。。。。。。女儿们真的长大了,上次和奶奶通电话还说想马上回上海看爷爷奶奶呢,哄得老人家开心得不得了。两个小姑娘知道心有牵挂了,长大了,我很高兴。
- By their sin they provoked the wrath of the people. 他们因犯罪而激起人民的愤怒。
- I guess ignorance must be a sin. 我认为无知是一种罪。
- He thinks it's a sin to covet other's properties. 他认为贪图他人的财物是有罪的。
- He was pleasanter than original sin. 你要比原罪更令人愉快一些。
- My father held sin in abomination. 我父亲痛恨罪恶。
- in woman, venial sins are mortal. 女人,轻微的过失就会致命。
- Being late is an unforgivable sin round here. 迟到在这儿是一种不可原谅的过错。