- My muscles are sore from lifting weights. 我的肌肉因为举重而感到酸痛。
- I think this gargle will relieve your sore throat. 我看这含漱剂可以治你的喉痛。
- He walked along as if favoring his sore foot. 他走路像是特别小心照顾他那只酸痛的脚似的。
- I feel shivery and I have gotten a sore throat. 我觉得怕冷发抖,而且喉咙疼痛。
- I want something to soothe sore throat. 我要可以治喉痛的药。
- I stood on a nail, and my foot's very sore. 我踩了一枚钉子,脚上感到很痛。
- I was off work because of a sore throat. 我因为喉咙痛没有去上班。
- My legs are sore from all that running yesterday. 我的腿因为昨天跑步而感到酸痛。
- Don't get sore; I didn't mean it! 别生气,我不是故意的!
- venereal sore [医] 下疳(尤指软下疳)
- Put a plaster on the sore once a day. 把这膏药每日一次敷贴患处。
- The suffering of the refugees makes her heart sore. 难民的苦难使她心痛。
- He couldn't swallow because of a sore throat. 他因嗓子疼而不能吞咽。
- My muscles are sore from playing baseball. 我的肌肉因打垒球而感到酸痛。
- A sight of you, Mr Harding, is good for sore eyes. 哈定先生,一看见了你,使人觉得心旷神怡。
- I've got a sore throat, ' he wheezed. `我嗓子疼,'他吃力地说。
- Don't mention baldness to Eddie. It's a sore point with him. 别对伊迪提起秃头之类的事,他对这事很敏感。
- Is she still sore at (ie angry with) you? 她还生你的气吗?
- When he's just woken up he's like a bear with a sore head. 他刚睡醒时,非常暴躁。
- Gonorrhea and syphilis are venereal diseases. 淋病和梅毒是性