- He deceived them under the veil of charity. 他借慈善事业为名欺骗了他们。
- They did evil under the veil of patriotism. 他们在爱国主义的幌子下作恶。
- There are several kinds of cloud formations. 云层的构成方式有好几种。
- There was a veil of mist over the mountains. 山上覆盖着一层薄雾。
- A veil of mist obscured the view. 一层雾使景色模糊了。
- The veil of the temple is yellow. 圣殿的幕是黄色的。
- A dark bank of cloud loomed on the horizon. 地平线上隐约出现一团乌云。
- The land is draped in a veil of mist. 烟雾笼罩着大地。
- The pillar of cloud was right there to remind them! 在他们前面带领他们的云柱就是在提醒他们。
- Their work is carried out behind a veil of secrecy. 他们的工作是在秘密掩护下进行的。
- The vast arch of cloud above was strangely low. 彤云密布的天穹低得出奇。
- Such a beautifully embroidered veil of irony. 真是一幅精美绝伦的讽刺面纱。”
- There are several kinds of cloud formation. 云的形成有几种分类。
- Your veil of the saffron color makes my eyes drunk. 你那桔黄色的面纱迷醉了我的双眼。
- I peep out the porthole and see a sea of clouds. 我从飞机的舷窗向外张望,看到一片云海。
- The sky was dark blue, without a speck of cloud. 天是暗蓝的,没有一点云。
- Then there was a blot of cloud, and shadow. 整个夜空,浮云遍及,时分时合。
- There are patches of cloud in the sky. 天空中有片片白云。
- There is not a speck of cloud in the sky. 天空没有一片云。
- There was a sort of cloud over him. 他愁容满面。