- vehicle quality audit 整车
- Assist daily quality audit in production line. 每日进行产线的巡检。
- Is There A Regular Quality Audit On Finished Goods? 对已完成产品,是否有定期之质量检验?
- Be certified by Guangdong Guangzhou Quality Audit Office on 2003. 2003年取得广东广州质量监督品质认证。
- Establish, emend and improve quality audit standard. 负责制定、修订和改进各类质量审核的标准;
- JD Power and Associates and Consumer Reports, however, still rank Toyota high in vehicle quality and vehicle reliability. 但是消费者的权益报告,丰田汽车的高级车依然在品质和可靠性。
- Human resources department is responsible for keeping the records of the internal quality audit. 人力资源部负责保管内部质量审核的记录。
- Perform supplier Quality audit and support purchaser to do new supplier assessment. 执行供应商质量审核并协助采购做新供应商评估。
- Chrysler's vehicle quality has been bemoaned for the last several years, with Fiat's reputation in the U.S. not much better. 克莱斯勒的汽车质量一直在哀叹在过去的几年里,与菲亚特的声誉在美国没有太大的好转。
- Internal quality audit for production line by regularly and submit the audit report. 定期对公司内部进行质量点检并提交报告。
- Combine interior dept to confirm and push priority objects of market vehicle quality improvement in the second half year, and object contemplation income will be arrived. 联合公司内部相关部门;共同确定并推动公司下年度市场整车质量改善的优先项目及项目预期收益.
- Preferred if have technical qualifications in NDT (level II or III), welding or quality audit. 有专业技术资质者优先,例如无损探伤(II级或III级),焊接,质保等。
- One spot, reflecting GM's theme of vehicle quality, states: “Warning, Buick's instantly variable suspension system not available on BMW, Audi, Lexus or Mercedes-Benz. 反映通用关于其汽车高质量形象的一条广告是这样的:”记住,别克的瞬时可变悬挂系统在宝马、奥迪、雷克萨斯和奔驰车上都找不到。
- Reviewing the internal quality audit results and the effectiveness of corrective actions. 对内部质量审核结果及纠正措施有效性进行评审;
- Meet other departments with their requirements of management system, quality audit, product quality control and management. 满足各业务部门在管理体系、质量稽查、实物质量控制、计量管理等方面的需求。
- Furniture Trader trading portal with direct sourcing from Asian manufacturers and suppliers. Also offers on-site product quality audit services. 亚洲家具生产商,原材料供应商的贸易之门。并提供网上产品质量审查服务。
- Interface between customers GUPT on der fulfillment, ac reconcilement, quality audit, specific product development business model recommendations. 作为客户和公司的窗口,满足客户的需求,付款处理,质量审核,特殊产品开发和合作模式推荐
- Are there documented procedures for internal quality audits? 是否有文件化的内部质量审核程序?
- Our corrective action/preventive action (CAPA) and internal quality audit (IQA) systems stink, because that training we had was bad. 我们的纠正/预防措施(CAPA)和内审(IQA)很烂,因为培训很烂。
- Recently, we enlarged the scope of internal quality audit to include peer auditing. This is again to involve everyone at all levels in supporting the system for total quality. 最近,我们扩大内部质素审查的范围,包括同级评审,让每个阶层每一个人都参与推行这个优质制度。