- The old man takes only vegetarian food. 这位老人一向吃素食。
- But even vegetarian food can make people fat. 即使是素食也可能使人发胖。
- Who has ordered Kosher meal(vegetarian food,baby food,Moslem food). 哪位旅客预定了犹太餐(素食,儿童餐,穆斯林餐)?
- They are encouraged to partake of vegetarian food for the day. 他们在那一天被鼓励去吃素菜。
- I prefer vegetarian food. 我喜欢吃素食。
- Oh,one more thing. We're also prepared two portions of vegetarian food. 哦,对了,我们还准备了两份素菜。
- The program closed with a reception featuring light vegetarian food and refreshments. 音乐会结束时,会场并备有素食点心招待与会来宾。
- Dozens of Americans attended the party and were surprised to discover how delicious vegetarian food can be. 许多美国人前来参加餐会,他们惊奇地发现素食竟然如此美味。
- On Saturday, we first visited some destitute families, bringing them rice and vegetarian food. 星期六,我们首先探访了一些穷困的家庭,赠送给他们白米和素食品。
- For our physical well-being, the kitchen group cared for us with very delicious vegetarian food. 厨房人员准备了美味可口的素食餐点,把大家照顾得很好。
- The guests had a fine meal, and expressed high praise for the delicious vegetarian food. 客人们在享用了这顿盛餐之后,都对那些美味的素菜极为赞赏。
- Afterwards, delicious vegetarian food was served in the atmosphere of warmth and excitement that pervaded the venue. 现场并提供美味的素食供大家享用,整场气氛非常热络。
- Afterwards, the kind-hearted men brought me vegetarian food every day and offered me much encouragement. 这两位善心人每天都带食物给我,让我深受鼓舞。
- Afterwards, we provided a vegetarian food sampling to show our guests how delicious veggie food can be. 稍后,我们还举办素食餐点试吃,让来宾们了解素食是多么美味。
- On the floor, at other side of the room, was a big bowl of water and another filled with vegetarian food. 房间另一侧的地板上有一大碗水,另一碗则装满了素食。
- One youthful senior citizen came to our booth and asked if vegetarian food was any good. 一位充满青春活力的老太太来到我们摊位询问:素食会好吃吗?
- That even cooks vegetarian for me, taking so many inconveniences for herself to buy vegetarian food and cook for me. 虽然很不方便,还是买素菜来煮给我吃。
- For 6)entertainment, there are 7)performing artists and a petting zoo. 8)Vegetarian food is provided for all that come. 为了款待佳宾,现场还有表演艺术家与可爱动物园区,并提供素食餐点给所有来宾享用。
- Many yoga sects advocate vegetarianism. This yoga master's favorite vegetarian food is the mango. 瑜珈学派主张吃素。这位阿南达玛迦瑜珈老师最喜欢吃素食中的芒果。