- vegetal retardance 植被阻滞
- The rearward regiments are in painful retard. 后续部队受到令人难以忍受的阻碍。
- This drug will retard your heart rate. 麻药将使你心率缓慢。
- That unpleasant news might retard his recovery. 那个坏消息可能妨碍他的复元。
- It's the laughing gas.It make your reflexes retard. 是笑气(用作麻醉剂),延缓你的反映。
- Conner Rhodes: Are you a retard too? 妳也是心智遲緩者嗎?
- He keeps saying so as to retard the time. 他说个不停,以拖延时间。
- They also used it for sunburns and to retard the aging process. 他们还用它来防治日光灼伤,以及延缓衰老过程。
- Green teas often have a distinct vegetal aroma and flavor. 绿茶往往具有鲜明的植物性的香气和味道。
- It also is used to minimize vegetal characteristics. 它也用来减少植物性特色。
- Contains C&G ,rich vegetal extract essence &allantoin. 主要成份:蕴含C&G、丰富植物萃取精华及尿囊素。
- A spin that tends to retard, arrest, or reverse the linear motion of an object, especially of a ball. 回旋使一个做直线运动的物体减速、停滞或倒转的一种旋转,尤指一个球
- Violet, red colour.Red and black ripe fruits with vegetal smell. 紫红色,有成熟水果的香气,带着丝丝植物气味。
- Nature: The product is filemot gel with vegetal fragrance. 本品为黄褐色凝胶剂,有植物气味。
- Lack of sunlight will retard the growth of most plants. 缺乏阳光会妨碍大多数植物的生长。
- Objuration from his beloved makes his blooming love to retard. 来自挚爱的责难让他刚萌芽的情感渐渐消退。
- This type of packaged should help retard flavor deterioration. 这种包装有助于保持咖啡豆的良好风味。
- We must discard the archaisms that retard our culture. 我们必须抛弃妨碍我国文化发展的过时的东西。
- It contains blackhead-cleaning elements, Vitamin C and vegetal compact essence. 蕴含清黑头成份,维他命C及植物紧致精华。
- Pourquoi il est en retard, parce que la voiture est en panne. 为什么他迟到了,因为汽车抛锚了。