- vector start address 向量起始地址
- The start address is invalid. Enter a valid address. 起始地址无效。请输入一个有效的地址。
- The start address must be less than the end address. 起始地址必须比结束地址小。
- The starting address of the first discrete input. 离散输入的起始地址。
- The starting address of the register. 寄存器起始地址。
- Otherwise, it assumes the provided address as a valid stack frame start address and attempts to traceback. 否则,它假定所提供的地址是有效的堆栈帧起始地址并设法进行回溯。
- You could kmalloc some memory in kernel, and pass this memory's start address and length to user space by proc filesystem. 请教诸位高手,小弟想实现内核空间和用户空间的公享内存,该怎么做?
- Initblk assumes that the starting address is aligned to the natural size of the machine. initblk假定起始地址与计算机的自然大小对齐。
- The starting address is not valid for this range. Make sure that the host ID is not 0. 起始地址对该范围无效。请确保主机ID不是0。
- We opened an office in China a few years ago to start addressing the animal welfare issues. 几年前,我们在中国开办了办事处就是为了保护动物的权益。
- Assumes that the starting address is aligned to the natural size of the machine. 假定起始地址与计算机的自然大小对。
- In this case, let's start earlier. 既然这样,我们就早点开始。
- An instruction that causes the program to branch from the mainline program to the starting address of a subroutine. 使程序由主程序转到子程序的起始地址的指令。
- I think now with the Race Relations Amendment Act there is really an onus on employers to start addressing these issues. 我认为,随着《种族关系修正法案》的出台,学校现在有义务解决这些问题。
- Enter the starting address in the range of addresses to be filtered. 请输入用于筛选的地址范围的起始地址。
- The starting address is thus formed by adding the base address to the value in the EIP register (that is, FFFF0000 + FFF0H = FFFFFFF0H). 如果是保护模式,基地址从描述符中得到。
- I hope you can pardon his badness and let him start all over again. 希望您能原谅他的不好,让他从新开始。
- Improved crawl rules and crawl log; multiple start addresses per content source; and a new browse able, filterable index log provide necessary information to optimize search. 改进了爬网规则和爬网日志,每个内容源有多个起始地址,新的可浏览、可筛选的索引日志提供了优化搜索所必需的信息。
- The number of bytes, the initialization value, and the starting address are popped from the stack, and the initialization is performed as per their values. 从堆栈中弹出字节数、初始化值和起始地址,并且按它们的值执行初始化。
- The autumn or winter term start in September. 秋季或冬季学期九月份开始。