- vector parallel computer 向量并行计算机
- Beijing Puretrix Parallel Computing Co., Ltd. 北京清源并行计算机有限公司。
- The VPP300 and VPP500 are new MPP supercomputer series from Fujitsu,called vector parallel processors. In this paper we mainly discuss their architectures,feature of the hardware and configuration of the software. 本文主要讨论了富士通公司推出的VPP300/500向量并行MPP超级计算机的系统结构、硬件特性和软件配置情况。
- Ackley and Littman implemented a Lamarckian system on a parallel computer with 16,000 processors. 艾克利和利特曼在一台拥有16,000个处理器的计算机上运行了拉马克系统。
- Parallel Computer Architecture, A Hardware/Software Approach(Second Edition). David E.Culler等著. 并行计算机系统结构。机械出版社。中/英文都可以。
- Parallel computer is a computer with multiple logic or arithmetic units enabling it to perform parallel operations or parallel processing. 并行计算机是一种具有多个运算器,能作并行操作或并行处理的计算机。
- Support for a Variety of Parallel Computing Environments. 支持多种并行计算环境。
- This facility can do parallel computing on a PC cluster. 该设备能够使用多台PC机进行并行计算。
- A new type of supercomputer, called the massively parallel computer, has recently been introduced, this type of computer has hundreds or even thousands of processors. 最近又出现了一种新型的超级计算机,称为大规模并行计算机。这种计算机拥有几百个或者甚至几千个处理器。
- Nevertheless, there is misapplication about understanding spectral line parallelism and spectral vector parallelism. 然而,在实际认识中,存在着光谱谱线平行和光谱向量平行混淆的误区。
- The parallel computer which is the bottleneck of the computer technology, is always the hotspot of computer studying in the IT field. 摘要并行计算机一直是世界各国计算机界研究的热点,是当代计算机技术的制高点。
- Scalable parallel computer cluster is a multicomputer system which consists of processing nodes and a high speed interconnection network. 可扩展并行机群系统是以工作站或高档微机作为其处理结点,通过高 速互联网络组成的并行处理系统。
- Parallel discrete event simulation (PDES) refers to the execution of single discrete event simulation program on a parallel computer. 并行离散事件仿真PDES(Parallel Discrete Event Simulation)是指在并行平台上执行离散仿真应用程序。
- Yang xue jun, born in 1963, professor, Ph.D. supervisor. His main research interests include parallel computer architecture, parallel operating system and parallel compilation. 杨学军;男;1963年生;教授;博士生导师;主要研究方向为并行计算机系统结构;并行操作系统和并行编译.
- MARTIN A.KEANE, JOHN R.KOZA and MATTHEW J.STREETER work closely with one another studying genetic programming using a home-built, 1,000-Pentium parallel computer. 基恩、柯扎与斯特里特三人有密切的合作关系,他们以1000台奔腾电脑自组成平行电脑,进行遗传规划的研究。
- Exhaustive searches of this key space are possible using parallel computers. 使用并行计算机对这个密钥空间进行遍历搜索是可能的。
- JOHN R.KOZA, MARTIN A.KEANE and MATTHEW J.STREETER work closely with one another studying genetic programming using a home-built, 1,000-Pentium parallel computer. 柯扎、基恩与斯特里特三人有密切的合作关系,他们以1000台奔腾电脑自组成平行电脑,进行遗传规划的研究。
- Kai Hwang,Zhiwei Xu.Scalable Parallel Computing[Z]. WCB/McGraw-Hill. 孙家昶;张林波;迟学斌;等.;网络并行计算与分布式编程环境[M]
- Parallel computing are analyled in the PC Cluster that based on PVM. 摘要利用PVM建立PC机群环境,并在此环境中开展并行研究。
- These bits flip faster than they intercommunicate, so the conventional matter is a highly parallel computer, like the ultimate laptop and unlike the black hole. 这些位元翻转的速率比彼此间通讯的速率还快,所以传统物质类似于终极笔记型电脑而非黑洞,是高度平行化的电脑。