- Under general anesthesia, the entire mass was extirpated with CO2 laser endoscopically, and the pathologic diagnosis was a vascular leiomyoma. 在全身麻醉下,经显微雷射手术摘除肿瘤,病理报告证实为罕见的血管性平滑肌瘤。
- A case report of vascular leiomyoma on aural 耳廓血管平滑肌瘤一例
- vascular leiomyoma 血管平滑肌瘤
- Thus, this is a submucosal leiomyoma. 这是一个黏膜下子宫肌瘤。
- The organ is penetrated with vascular tissue. 根瘤的器官内有维管组织穿过。
- Any hematoma may indicate a vascular injury; and. 任何血肿要怀疑血管损伤。
- The primary vascular structure of a root. 根的初生维管结构。
- Human Dermal Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells! 人真皮血管平滑肌细胞!
- Advances In Vascular Surgery Vol. 血管手术进展。
- At an early stage of growth the leiomyoma is intramural. 早期平滑肌瘤位于胃壁内。
- Illustrated treatment of aquatic vascular plants. 水生维管束植物图册。
- The CMN is histologically similar to fibrosarcoma or Leiomyoma. 光镜见CMN酷似平滑肌瘤或纤维肉瘤。
- A cell in the xylem of vascular plants. 管胞在维管植物的木质部中的细胞
- A stele that has a solid core of vascular tissue. 原生中柱一种有管状组织的实心中柱
- It shows one sheath around the vascular bundles. 它显示出在维管束周围的鞘状构造。
- Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Tu-mors. 血管内皮生长因子与肿瘤
- The uterus has an intramural and a subserosal leiomyoma. 子宫壁内和浆膜下各有一平滑肌瘤。
- What is peripheral vascular disease? 什么是周围血管疾病?
- To study perfect vascular access in HD patients. 探讨慢性肾功能衰竭患者血液透析理想的血管通路。
- Herein, we report a case of leiomyoma of the bladder. 本文报告一膀胱平滑肌瘤病例。