- vasa previa of placenta 胎盘血管前置
- Objective To investigate the value of transperineal sonography(TPS) in the diagnosis of placenta previa of late pregnancy. 目的探讨经会阴超声(TPS)对孕晚期前置胎盘的诊断价值。
- B. Contraindications to augmentation include placenta or vasa previa umbilical cord prolapse prior classical uterine incision pelvic structural deformities and invasive cervical cancer. 禁忌症包括前置胎盘或前置血管,脐带脱垂,既往古典式子宫切口,骨盆结构异常,和浸润性宫颈癌。
- The clinical data of 77 cases of placenta previa in this hospital between Aug.1981 and July 1988 were analyzed. 本文对我院1981年8月至1988年7月间77例前置胎盘进行了临床分析。
- Objective To discuss the value of interrupted circular suture in hemostasis of placenta previa during cesarean section. 目的探讨环形间断缝合在前置胎盘剖宫产术时出血的止血效果。
- To explore the high risk factors and management of placenta previa complicated with placenta accreta. 摘要目的探讨前置胎盘合并胎盘植入的高危因素及处理方法。
- Objective To discuss the diagnostic value of placenta previa with intralumen probe ultrasound. 目的探讨腔内探头对前置胎盘的诊断价值。
- Objective:To discuss the value of performed uterine suture early in hemostasis of placenta previa during caesarean section(method A). 目的:探讨尽早缝合子宫(A法)对前置胎盘剖宫产时出血的止血效果。
- Iyasu S,Saftlas AK,Rowley DL,et al.Th e epidemiology of placenta previa in the United States[J].1979-1987.Am J Obstet Gynecol,1993,168(5):1424. 胡娅莉;周重宛;金溶溶;等.;子宫腔纱条填塞术在控制剖宫产出血中的应用[J]
- Objective:To investigate the cuase,clinical features,diagnosis and treatment of placenta previa complicated with placenta accreta. 目的:探讨前置胎盘合并胎盘植入的病因、临床表现、诊断及处理。
- Fetal blood loss from vasa previa 胎儿失血来自血管前置
- Objective: To investigate the clinical value of combined application of transabdominal and transperineal sonography in the diagnosis of placenta previa. 目的:探讨经腹与经会阴超声联合诊断前置胎盘的临床价值。
- Fetus or newborn affected by vasa previa 胎儿或新生儿受血管前置影响
- Arrangement of placentas within the ovary. 胎座式子房内胎座的组成形状
- Results:Among 35 920 deliveries,incidence of placenta previa was 0.98%,that of placenta accreta was 0.089%,that of placenta previa complicated with placenta accreta was 0.05%. 结果:在35920例产妇中前置胎盘发生率为0.;98%25;胎盘植入的发生率为0
- The modified blastula that is characteristic of placental mammals. 胚泡转化的囊胚,为胎盘哺乳动物的特征
- The associated factors of postpartum haemorrhage in placenta previa were history of multiple abortions (more than twice) , previous cesa rean section, elder age, type of placenta previa, no prenatal check, prenatal bleeding and other complications. ( 2 )与前置胎盘产后出血量有关的因素有高龄产妇、2次以上流产史、剖宫产史、前壁的前置胎盘、完全性前置胎盘、有产前出血史、无产前检查、存在妊娠合并症或并发症 ;
- ConclusionColor Doppler ultrasound has a high sensitivity and specificity for the identification of placenta previa increta,it has the important value for pregnant women's diagnosis. 结论胎盘植入的彩超诊断,对孕妇产时、产后处理起着重要作用。
- Title:Role of placental extract in the therapy of urticarias. 胎盘粹取素之功用在治疗麻疹、风疹块。
- Methods: We present a study about 10 cases of placental abruption. 方法我们对10例临床确诊的胎盘早剥病例进行研究。