- variable call transfer 可变呼叫转移
- I used the call transfer function. 我用了呼叫转移。
- It has call transfer and call waiting. 它有呼叫转移和呼叫等待的功能。
- If Brad isn't in, ask to have your call transferred to Ashley. 假如布莱德不在的话,要他们把你的电话转给艾胥莉。
- For example, a key mapping that is used during business hours may enable a call transfer to another extension where a human operator or receptionist is available. 例如,在办公时间使用的键映射可以支持将呼叫转到人工话务员或接待员使用的其他分机。
- We start off with an integer variable called ver. Ver will hold the number of vertices used to build the object. 从名为ver的integer型变量开始,我们用它来记录要构造此物体的顶点的数目。
- Any target can be assigned a semaphore, by setting a variable called SEMAPHORE on that target. 任何目标都可以被赋予一个信号灯semaphore,方法是对该目标设置一个名为SEMAPHORE的变量。
- There is a definition of a variable called myspeed, using the data from RRA speed out of database test.rrd . 有一个名为myspeed的变量定义,他使用来自test.;rrd数据库的speedRRA中的数据。
- For example, the linked list has a member variable called m_Head of type Node, used for referencing the first item in the list. 例如,该链表具有一个名为m_Head的Node类型的成员变量,用于引用该列表中的第一个项。
- If the call transfers control to a method of higher trust than the origin method, the stack frame is not released. 如果调用将控制转移到比原始方法信任级别更高的方法,则不释放堆栈帧。
- For example, in our scripting system we might have a global boolean variable called PlayerArmed which will direct a cowardly troll to ambush only unarmed opponents. 例如,在我们的脚本系统中有一个控制着胆怯的巨人只是埋伏徒手的敌人(译者注:也可能指的是玩家)的全局布尔型变量。
- If you define an environment variable called NASM, the program will interpret it as a list of extra command-line options, which are processed before the real command line. 如果你定义了一个环境变量来调用NASM,程序将把它解释为一个附加的命令行选项,但需要在真实的命令行之前进行处理。
- The Realization of Call Transfer in IP Telephony 呼叫转移在IP电话中的实现
- Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Unified Messaging (UM) generates call transfer events in Event Viewer so that you can troubleshoot and verify the performance of call transfers in Unified Messaging. Microsoft Exchange Server 2007统一消息(UM)在事件查看器中生成呼叫转移事件,以便进行故障排除和验证统一消息中呼叫转移的性能。
- In addition, the platform will offer a unique level of network-wide call control, with intersite call transfers between agents rearranged automatically through the network. 另外,平台将提供全网络单级的呼叫控制,自动通过网络重新安排在不同站点之间的业务代表呼叫转移。
- A constant, variable, function name, or expression. 一种常数、变量、函数名或表达式。
- As the load transfer path changes suddenly, the so called transfer floor design is very important, especially the transferring beam.design. 由于荷载传递路径突然变化,所谓的转换层的设计就显得非常重要,其中转换梁的设计尤其重要。
- My brother is always at my father's beck and call. 我兄弟总是对我父亲唯命是从。
- The prices are variable, shop around by all means. 价格高低不一,所以一定要货比三家逐店选购。
- Donna call on her friend kita for a chat. 多娜到她的朋友莉塔家闲谈。