- Variable degree of corectopia and peripheral anterior synechia occurred in all eyes. 所有患眼均有不同程度之瞳孔异位及周边前黏连。
- The calices show the same changes to a variable degree, depending on whether the renal pelvis is intrarenal or extrarenal. 肾盂根据其是肾内肾盂抑或外肾盂,而呈不同程度的同样改变。
- In most of the ill bitches a variable degree of inflammation also found though some bitches were misdiagnosed as pyometra had no inflammatory reaction in the uterus. 绝大多数患病犬的子宫内有炎症反应,但也有些具有子宫积脓临床指征的犬子宫内却没有炎性变化。
- However, the variable degree of the former was bigger than that of the latter. (3)The coefficient of variation for strength and micronaire were the highest and the lowest resp... (3)纤维品质中,以比强度的变异系数最大,麦克隆值的变异系数最小;(4)中期花的纤维品质好于混合花,且变异程度小于混合花。
- Each of the components is useful in its degree. 每一个元件都各有程度不同的用处。
- Criticism is not lost on you to some degree. 在某种程度上,批评对你起了作用。
- An honorary degree was conferred on Mr.Jones. 琼斯先生被授予一个荣誉学位。
- They cannot be trusted in the slightest degree. 对他们一点也不能相信。
- Lateral grou of nephro are affected more than central ones, leading to patchy atrophy with variable degrees of severity. 侧组肾单位受累较中央组为重,而导致严重程度不等的斑状萎缩。
- On histologic examination, there was dense portal fibrosis, marked phlebosclerosis, and presence of variable degrees of megasinusoid formation. 在组织学检查方面,门静脉纤维化显著,静脉硬化明显,并伴有不同程度的megasinusoid?
- He's methodical to the nth degree. 他做事有条不紊算是到家了。
- It is difference in kind, not merely in degree. 此乃本质之不同,并非仅仅是程度差异。
- She shows a high degree of skill in her work. 她在工作中表现出高度的技巧。
- Variable degrees of optic disc changes are found during myopic progression such as tilting, which made the diagnosis of glaucoma become more difficulty. 因近视进行所导致的视神经变化如倾斜等均会使诊断青光眼变得更困难。
- He has a degree in world history. 他具有世界历史的学位。
- Arrangements of multiple governance forms of variable degrees of coupling intensity according to the subtask value ratios of central and other member firms were discussed. 核心企业和成员企业根据各自所承担总体任务过程中的子任务价值系数,采用耦合程度不同的多元化治理结构安排。
- He have a master's degree in business science. 他获得了商业学硕士学位。
- To do this job, you must have a degree in English. 从事这个工作你必须具有英语专业的大学学位。
- He went down without taking a degree. 他没获得学位就离开了大学。