- A perturbation theory model was set up for calculating vapor liquid equilibrium (VLE). 建立了一个微扰理论模型来计算流体的汽液平衡。
- Vapor liquid equilibrium (VLE) of the binary system of active amyl alcohol and ethylene glycol was studied at 101. 采用双循环汽液平衡釜,对光学戊醇与乙二醇二元体系汽液相平衡进行研究,获得101。
- The working principle of gas liquid separator for hydrogenated unit was recommended. 介绍了加氢装置气液分离器的工作原理。
- Objective: To get vapor liquid data of phenprobamate+ethyl alcohol by computer simulation. 目的:计算机模拟计算苯丙氨酯+乙醇气液平衡数据。
- Isothermal vapor liquid equilibrium data of two binary systems carbon dioxide etanol and carbon dioxide iso propanol at 303. 应用汽液双循环高压相平衡装置,测定了二氧化碳-乙醇和二氧化碳-异丙醇二元混合物分别在303。
- It will accomplish the hydride generation at micro liter sample volume without the need for an external addition of acid, and the use of a gas liquid separator. 给出了装置的结构、操作,试验并优化了固体还原剂与有机酸的质量配比、反应腔体体积、进样量等反应条件。
- In addition, the ternary vapor liquid equilibrium data for the above three components were also determined at 308.65K under the pressures 3.04, 4.02, and 5.00 MPa respectively. 同时还测定了以上3个组分在308.;65K、压力在3
- Urea stream is a kind of volatile weak electrolytes stream.The thermodynamics method for calculating vapor liquid equilibrium (VLE) for urea system is complex. 尿素物系是一个挥发性弱电解质物系,汽液平衡热力学计算方法甚为复杂。
- This liquid can be separated from the gas in a liquid separator (see catalogue part accessories). 此部分工作液可在汽液分离器中与气体分开(请见样本附件部分),以重新利用。
- Based on the assumption of Edwards et al (1975) of the molecular thermodynamics of aqueous weak electrolytes, a molecular thermodynamic correlation was established to calculate vapor liquid equilibria in NH3-H3PO4-H2O system. 根据Edwards提出的弱电解质溶液的分子热力学;基于质量平衡、化学平衡、电荷平衡及汽液平衡理论;提出了NH_3-H_3PO_4-H_2O体系汽液平衡计算的热力学模型.
- The vapor liquid equilibria and critical properties for 10 non polar chain like fluids and 6 associating fluids are investigated by combining the renormalization group (RG) theory and the Yukawa EOS extended for chain like fluids. 结合重整化群 (RenormalizationGroup ;RG)理论和适用于链状流体的Yukawa状态方程 ;研究了 10个非极性链状流体和 6个缔合流体的汽液相平衡和临界性质 .
- In this work, the vapor liquid equilibrium and vapor liquid liquid equilibrium data of water-acetic acid-p-xylene were conducted in a modified Othmer type equilibrium still at 101.32 kPa. 水-醋酸-对二甲苯三成份是否有三成份共沸一直是个争议的问题,本研究利用共沸蒸馏装置去测定,其结果水-醋酸-对二甲苯没有三成份共沸点存在。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- A cloud of vaporized liquid,especially a chemical spray used in fighting fires. 化学喷雾一团汽化的液体,尤指用于救火的化学喷雾剂
- combined solid- liquid separator 组合式固液分离器
- Part of the evolved Fe-Ti-rich magmas underwent immiscibile liquid separation to form a silicate magma and oxide magma. 大量斜长石的分异,引起残浆中镁铁组分的富集,形成苏长岩和浸染状矿石。
- It is an effective liquid separation tool with advantages such as simpleness,celerity and veracity. 该量取器使用方法简单、快速,是一种准确、有效的液体分离工具。
- A liquid condensed from vapor in distillation. 蒸馏液; 馏出物在蒸馏中,从蒸汽浓缩的液体
- The test results showed that the SCS, workig on particular principle, had strong adaptability and better separation effect.It is a kind of solid liquid separator with high effciency. 实践证明,侧沟式固液分离器工作原理独特、适应能力强、分离效果好,是一种高效的固液分离设施。
- The membrane technologies for liquid separation include microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration reverse osmosis and electrodialysis et al. 液体分离膜技术包括微滤、超滤、纳滤、反渗透及电渗析等。