n. (名词)
- [U] 自负,自大,虚荣 conceit;having too high an opinion of one's looks,abilities,etc.
- [U] 空虚,无用,无价值 worthlessness;quality of being unsatisfying,without true value
feelings of excessive pride
the quality of being valueless or futile;
"he rejected the vanities of the world"
the trait of being unduly vain and conceited; false pride
low table with mirror or mirrors where one sits while dressing or applying makeup
用作名词 (n.)
- Vanity is his Achilles' heel.
虚荣自负是他的致命伤。 - He has many faults, but vanity is not one of them.
他有很多缺点,但并没有虚荣心。 - His vanity brought his downfall.
他因虚荣心太重而垮台。 - She married the rich man out of vanity.
她出于虚荣心而嫁给了那个富人。 - In fact, behind the vanity is not the squalor.
其实浮华背后就是看不到的肮脏。 - Let us abandon the vanity surface, with a rock and roll heart.
用作名词 (n.)
- the vanity of a life 生活的空虚无聊
All is vanitie, and vexation of spirit.
出自:Bible (AV): Ecclesiastes
- pride 骄傲
- conceit 自负
- arrogance 傲慢
- egotism 自大
- self-importance 自尊
- emptiness 空虚
- narcissism 自我陶醉
- futility 无用
- hollowness 空洞
- worthlessness worthless的名词...
- uselessness 无用
- unreality 不真实
- smugness 装模做样
- insignificance 不重要
- ineffectiveness 低效率
- hauteur 傲慢
- self-love 自恋
- pageantry 盛典
- affectation 假装
- array 一系列
- braggadocio 自夸
- haughtiness 傲慢
- pomposity 自大
- dash 猛冲
- ostentation 卖弄
- boastfulness 自负
- fanfare 仪式上用的短曲(通常用小...
- pretension 声称
- pretentiousness 自命不凡
- parade 游行
- swagger 大摇大摆地走...
- show-off 炫耀
- frippery 便宜而俗艳的服装...
- display 显示
- show 证明
- foppishness foppish的名词形式...
- glitter 灿烂
- fanfaronade 吹嘘
- pomp 壮丽
- brazenness 厚颜无耻
- bumptiousness bumptious的名词...
- self-conceit 自负
- self-admiration 自赏
- flourish 茂盛
- showiness 华丽
- shamelessness shameless的名词...
- self-worship 自我崇拜
- boast 自夸
- superciliousness 傲慢
- self-pride 自尊
- bombast 浮夸的言语
- self-approval 自我肯定
- vainglory 极度自负
- self-glorification 自吹自擂
- coxcombry 虚浮
- bravado 作威
- self-satisfaction 自满
- ego 自我
- folly 愚蠢
- ego trip 追求个人满足...
- vacuity (想象力等)贫乏...
- foolishness 可笑
- vapidity 无味
- pointlessness 钝的(无意义的)...
- sham 假
- absurdity 荒谬
- meaninglessness 无意义
- inanity 空虚
- delusion 错觉
- triviality 琐事
- nothingness 虚无
- self 自己
- toilet table 梳妆台
- dressing table 梳桩台, 镜台, 化妆台...
- conceitedness conceited的名词...
- importance 重要
- dresser 化妆台
- snobbery 势利
- trip 旅行
- reality 真实