- Thank you for your valuable service. 感谢你多年的宝贵服务。
- Economic price but valuable service! 价格实惠,服务超值。
- He gave the company years of valuable service. 他为公司做了多年很有用的工作。
- Our mission: to provide customers with the most valuable service. 我们的任务:为客户提供最具有价值的服务。
- Quantitative analysis has rendered most valuable services. 定量分析已作出了极有价值的贡献。
- It provides a valuable service to plants by distributing seeds in its droppings. 这种雀鸟会把植物种子排泄,藉此传播种籽,对帮助植物繁殖有很大功劳。
- Collective management does a valuable service to the world of music and other creative arts. 集体管理为音乐和其他创造性的艺术世界提供了有价值的服务。
- All Chinese patriots belong to one big family.Those who promote the reunification of the motherland render valuable service to the nation and to the Chinese people. 全国一家,走祖国统一的道路,就有功于民族,有益于人民。
- Mr. Jackson has rendered very valuable service to the company over a number of years, and we are very sorry to part with him. 多年来对公司作出弥足珍贵的贡献,他的离去使我们很感遗憾。
- The workshop was facilitated by Mr Nigel Knight and his assistant Ms Jane Ho acting as volunteers, and the Council appreciated their valuable service. 工作坊在黎俊伟先生及其助手何子青女士义务协助下进行,法援局对他们的慷慨协助表示谢意。
- Although his self-given title of "clothes consultant doesn't sound entirely serious, William Thouriby performs a valuable service for those who seek his advice. 威廉·索尔比自封为“服装顾问”,这个称号听起来虽然有点戏滤的意味,但他的确为那些求他指点的人提供了有价值的服务。
- Although they cannot compare to real knights in battle, with their spears and swords they can perform valuable service against lighter enemies. 尽管他们在战场上无法如真正骑士一般骁勇,但凭借长矛利剑,在对抗轻装部队时仍颇为出色。
- Nutrition Clubs provide a valuable service to the community, informing people about the important of proper nutrition and exercise of optimum health. 营养俱乐部跟社区民众宣导均衡营养以及运动维持最佳身体健康的重要性,对于社区提供非常有价值的服务。
- I am obliged to you for your valuable services and discreet conduct! 对于你的宝贵的帮助和办事周到,我十分感激!
- He offers many more valuable services and information to the exporter. 他应能为出口商提供较好的服务和有价值的情报。
- Being beholden to specific financial goals would undermine the firm's ability to maintain the independence necessary to provide valuable service to its clients. 当被某些财务目标所约束时,我们的公司将丧失必备的独立性,我们将无法为客户提供有价值的服务。
- Although his self-given title of "clothes consultant" doesn't sound entirely serious, William Thourlby performs a valuable service for those who seek his advice. 威廉·索尔比自封为“服装顾问”,这个称号虽然听起来有点戏谑的意味,但他对那些求他指点的人是做了有价值的工作的。
- Their strength is as Ethernet Switch, Router, XDSL, optical, PON, access network, etc. as well as providing customization of software for client's valuable service demand. 是一家专注于通信领域宽带及光网络产品与技术研发、设计的中外合资企业。
- Being beholden to specific financial goals would undermine the firm\'s ability to maintain the independence necessary to provide valuable service to its clients. 当被某些财务目标所约束时,我们的公司将丧失必备的独立性,我们将无法为客户提供有价值的服务。
- The NGO sector renders valuable services in this area, although to a limited extent due to financial constraints. 由于财政的限制,非政府组织在这一领域发挥的作用是有限的,但却是很有价值的。