- A validation rule that checks for these items in the response should be added. 应该添加用于检查响应中这些项的验证规则。
- This defines the highest level of validation rule that will run in a load test. 此类别定义了将在负载测试中运行的验证规则的最高级别。
- Web Test Viewer, click the request to which you added the validation rule. 在请求和负载测试设置中设置规则为测试提供了灵活性。
- You can create validation rules at the test level. 可以在测试级别创建验证规则。
- This will define our validation rules and fields. 这定义了我们验证的规则的字段名。
- In the Criteria cell of the field that contains your validation rule, enter the opposite of that rule. 在包含有效性规则的字段的“条件”单元格中,输入与该规则相反的条件。
- A validation rule limits or controls what users can enter in a table field or a control (such as a text box) on a form. 有效性规则限制或控制用户可以在表字段或窗体上的控件(如文本框)中输入哪些内容。
- In the top pane of the Web Test Viewer, click the request to which you added the validation rule. 在“Web测试查看器”的上窗格中,单击添加了验证规则的请求。
- Keep in mind that a validation rule for a field does not reference other fields in the table. 请记住,字段的有效性规则不会引用表中的其他字段。
- You add validation rules to Web tests in the Web Test Editor. 可以在Web测试编辑器中向Web测试添加验证规则。
- Test Edition now includes support for test level validation rules. Visual Studio Test Edition现在包含对测试级别验证规则的支持。
- Validation rules are executed just after the request is complete. 验证规则在请求完成后立即执行。
- Click the Validation Rule property box, located in the lower section of the table designer. 单击位于表设计器下方的“有效性规则”属性框。
- The marriage was held to be valid. 这一婚姻关系是有效的。
- This validation rule mimics the behavior of the predefined Required Tag validation rule. 此验证规则模仿预定义的“所需的标记”验证规则的行为。
- The ticket is valid for one month. 这票子一个月内有效。
- A credit card is not a valid proof of identity. 银行发的支票保付卡不是有效的身份证明文件。
- In the lower section of the table designer, on the General tab, select the Validation Rule property box, and then enter your validation rule. 在表设计器下半部分中的“常规”选项卡上,选择“有效性规则”属性框,然后输入您的有效性规则。
- For the steps needed to add a validation rule to a table field, see the section Validate data during entry in table fields, later in this article. 有关向表字段中添加有效性规则所需的步骤,请参阅本文后面的在向表字段中输入内容的过程中验证数据一节。
- You should also consider setting the ValidationText property, which holds the text that Access displays when the validation rule is violated. 还应考虑设置ValidationText属性,当违反有效性规则时,该属性将保存Access显示的文本。