- valid elastic model 有效弹性模量
- Logically the elastic model investigations can proceed in parallel with and in conjunction with theoretical analyses. 在逻辑上弹性模型试验能够与理论分析平行并可同时进行。
- In this paper,Duncan-Chang nonlinear elastic model of soil is transformed intoan elastoplastic model through a clever means. 本文巧妙地将土体的Duncan-Chang非线性弹性模型转化为弹塑性模型。
- This paper adopts the Ducon-zhang soil model, establish a non-linear elastic model of retaining structure of deep foundation pit, and draw up a plane finite element program. 本文采用了邓肯-张土体模型,建立了深基坑支护结构的非线性弹性模型,编制了平面有限元程序。
- This paper introduces the SFEM, at the same time, considering the random of the elastic model and force, the result is coincidence with the engineering practice. 本文介绍的随机有限元法将随机理论与有限元相结合,充分考虑了矿柱载荷的随机性和弹性模量的随机性,使矿柱可靠度的计算更符合实际。
- When anti?analyzing the nonlinear elastic model of geotechnical medium, people usually use Duncan?Chang model. In this model,there are eight parameters relative to elastic modulus and Poisson ratio. 在岩土介质非线性弹性模型的反演分析中,通常采用邓肯-张模型,这一模型中与弹性模量和泊松比有关的参数有8个。
- Ideal Elasticity Plasticity model is used to simulate the constitutive relation of soils, and linear elastic model is used for concrete of piles. 地基采用理想弹塑性模型,桩身混凝土用线弹性模型模拟,桩-土界面设置了有厚度的薄单元。
- The undrained behaviors of a compacted clay with positive dilatancy and a medium sand with negative dilatancy wera predicted using above-mentioned three models, Duncan EB and linear elastic model with parameters determined from the CD test data. 用上面三种模型及邓肯EB模型和线弹性完全塑性KG1模型对具有剪缩性的白河堡击实粘性土和具有明显剪胀性的承德中密砂固结不排水试验作了预测比较。
- Two-Dimentional Elastic Model Algorithm 二维弹性模型算法
- Elasticity model explained sedimentation mechanism from the Trias in the southern margin of Junggar foreland basin. 第三排构造形成于更新世末,变形方式自南向北从叠瓦状逆冲向滑脱挤压过渡。
- The marriage was held to be valid. 这一婚姻关系是有效的。
- The ticket is valid for one month. 这票子一个月内有效。
- A credit card is not a valid proof of identity. 银行发的支票保付卡不是有效的身份证明文件。
- Elastic model for flexible airplane landing impact analysis 大柔性飞机着陆响应弹性机体模型
- It snapped back like a piece of elastic. 它像一条橡皮带那样迅速弹回。
- Standing by him was a model worker. 站在他旁的是一位劳动模范。
- I think I can get that special model for you. 我想我可以为你找到那种特别的型号。
- She has been held up as a model worker. 她被推举为模范工作者。
- He showed us a model of the new office building. 他给我们看了新办公楼的模型。
- All elastic materials possess this property to a certain degree. 所有弹性材料在一定程度上都具有这种特性。