- Antiepileptic effects of the settings of vagus nerve stimulation parameters. 迷走神经刺激参数组合及其抗痫效应。
- It should be noted that vagus nerve stimulation for depression clearly meets the two main FDA requirements of safety and efficacy. 因为沮丧清楚地符合二个主要安全的食品药物管理局需求和效能,它应该被注意那一个迷走神经神经刺激。
- It is beneficial to experiment relatively with anti-inflammatory drugs and new methods, such as vagus nerve stimulation and acupuncture. 研究和开发相关抗炎药物和电刺激、针刺穴位等抗炎手段已经成为将胆碱能抗炎通路应用于临床的有益尝试。
- Objective: To investigate the glutamatergic neurons activity in paraventricular nucleus of thalamus (PV) and hypothalamus (PVN) after vagus nerve stimulation (VNS). 摘要目的:研究迷走神经刺激(VNS)后激活的丘脑室旁核(PV)、下丘脑室旁核(PVN)的神经元是否含谷氨酸能神经元。
- To understand the mechanisms of urine formation through the influence of Normal saline, noradrenalin, glucose solution, vagus nerve stimulating and furosemide on urine volume. 通过生理盐水、去甲肾上腺素、葡萄糖、刺激迷走神经、利尿药等对尿液生成量的影响,理解其机制。
- Effects of vagus nerve stimulation at different output time on seizures in rats 迷走神经刺激的启动时间对抗癫痫作用的影响
- Effect of delivering time of ceric vagus nerve stimulation on seizures in rat 大鼠迷走神经刺激的启动时间与抗痫效果
- Effects of vagus nerve stimulation on GABA level in the nucleus of solitary tract 迷走神经刺激术对脑干孤束核部位GABA含量的影响
- Basic and clinical study of vagus nerve stimulation in the treatment of epilepsy 迷走神经刺激治疗癫痫的基础与临床研究
- Reaction of astrocytes in nucleus of solitary tract after vagus nerve stimulation in rats 迷走神经刺激后大鼠孤束核内星形胶质细胞的反应
- Vagus nerve stimulation - program control eletricity stimulation treatment refractory epilepsy 迷走神经刺激术-程控电刺激治疗难治性癫痫
- Study on Mechanism of Action of Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Epileptogenic Foci Irradiation by X-knife on Eplieptic Rats 迷走神经刺激及X刀致痫灶照射对癫痫大鼠作用机制的研究
- Keywords Seizure;Pentylenetetrazol;Vagus nerve stimulation;Nitric oxide synthase; 关键词戊四氮;癫癎;迷走神经刺激;一氧化氮合酶;
- Relating to or involving blood vessels and the vagus nerve. 血管迷走神经的与血管和迷走神经有关的,或含有血管和迷走神经的
- Activation of glutamatergic neurons in paraventricular nucleus of thalamus and hypothalamus due to vagus nerve stimulation 迷走神经刺激激活丘脑和下丘脑室旁核的谷氨酸能神经元的探讨
- A new therapy curtails epinephrine's stimulation of the vagus nerve. 某个新疗法的作用机制,就是降低肾上腺素对迷走神经的刺激。
- 5 Hammond EJ,Uthman BM,Reid SA,et al.Electrophysiological studies of cervical vagus nerve stimulation in humans: IEEG effects.Epilepsia, 1992 ,33:1013-20. 7党雷,马建军,冯周琴.;迷走神经刺激治疗癫痫
- Of or relating to the vagus nerve. 迷走神经的属于或有关迷走神经的
- Keywords vagus nerve stimulation;FOS;Glutamate;paraventricular nucleus of thalamus;paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus; 迷走神经刺激;FOS;谷氨酸;丘脑室旁核;下丘脑室旁核;
- Evidence for the involvement of projection from medullary visceral zone to central amygdaloid nucleus in the anti-epileptic function of vagus nerve stimulation 延髓内脏带至杏仁核投射通路参与迷走神经刺激抑制癫痫发作的研究