- vacancy display board 职位空缺布告板
- Display board on organic farming, food mileage, eat less and sustainable living, etc. 资料展览有关有机农业,食物里程,少吃肉,健康饮食与环保的资料介绍。
- The tach display board has the numeric and bargraph readouts for the engine rpm, as well as the bargraph levels of the fuel, oil, voltage and water. 显示板的环的数字和光柱读数发动机转速以及光柱水平的燃料,油料,电压和水。
- Visitors will get to know the whole process of life evolution in preshow room of Origin of Life, through display board, the model or the light. 在“生命之源”预演厅中,游客将通过展板与模型、灯光等来了解整个生物进化过程。
- Hardware system and software design thought is analysed based on introducing performance of new type display board on FA311 drawing frame. 在介绍FA311型并条机新型显示面板性能的基础上,分析了它的硬件系统和软件设计思想。
- In cabin on display board dense and numerous button and line, in astronaut head lamp “strafe” under sometimes Ming Shian. 舱内仪表板上密密麻麻的按钮及线路,在航天员头灯的“扫射”下时明时暗。
- The entire cockpit's design is not loathsome, the display board, controls Taiwan and the steering wheel gives person's feeling is neat. 整个驾驶舱的设计丝毫不拖泥带水,仪表板、中控台和方向盘给人的感觉就是干净利落。
- VDB? Video Display Board? 视频显示板?
- To enhance our services to the public, a large size electronic display board was installed at the Centre to disseminate the latest information and various services of the Department. 为提供更佳资讯服务,本局于信件及表格收发中心加设了一大型电子显示屏幕,发放本局最新动向及服务资料。
- Both display versions can be used with the same driver board, so if you had the red and ever wanted to change to the yellow version, then you would be able to just purchase the yellow display board. 既显示版本可以使用相同的驱动电路板,因此,如果您有红色和以往任何时候都希望改变的黄色版本,那么你将能够公正购买黄色显示板。
- George's the best person to fill this vacancy. 乔治是填补这一空缺的最佳人选。
- There are three candidates for the vacancy. 这一空缺有三名候选人。
- Clients can also use different substrate output your own files, such as foam board, canvas and display boards, and so on, in order to find the ideal copy results. 客户们还可以在不同的承印物上输出自己的文件,例如泡沫板、画布和展板等,以便找到最理想的复制效果。
- Each booth is provided with one three-sided displaying board, two spot lights, one 5A/220V electric socket, one negotiation table and two chairs. 展位配置:楣板一块三面展板/两只射灯/5A/220V电源插座/洽谈桌一张/座椅两把。
- New electronic price display boards are installed on the walls above the trading floors. Price reporting time is cut to seconds. 在交易场墙壁上方安装了新的电子价格显示板,价格报告时间缩减为以秒为单位。
- He has a lot of clout with the board of directors. 他对董事会有很大的影响力。
- Some of the teachers and staff members board out. 有些住在学校的教职工在外搭伙。
- There is a vacancy on the tenth floor. 第十层楼上有一个空房间。
- The vacancy has already been filled. 那空缺已有人补上了。
- Let's clean down the board before we paint it. 让我们在上漆以前把这块板洗干净。