- A man is helping the police with their enquiries. 有一男子在协助警方进行调查。
- The police made house-to-house enquiries. 警方进行了逐户调查。
- We were inundated with enquiries. 查询的人很多,我们应接不暇。
- utilities enquiries 水电费查询
- I found that I had forgotten to pay the bills for utilities. 我发现忘了付水电及煤气的费用。
- Please address all enquiries to this office. 一切查询请向本办公室提出。
- Enquiries must be made to the proprietor. 有问题须向业主查询。
- We received over 300 enquiries about the job. 我们收到300多封信询问这个工作的情况。
- Public utilities are carefully regulated here. 公用事业在这里受到仔细的管理。
- A client of mine enquiries for 100 cases Black Tea. 我的一个客户询价100箱红茶。
- What kinds of utilities are included? 房租里都包含了什么费用?
- Please dial 244 for Directory Enquiries. 请拨244 电话号码问讯处。
- What utilities am I responsible for? 我要负担哪些公共设施?
- Enquiries for carpets are getting more numerous. 对地毯的询盘日益增加。
- For enquiries on the main part of the realization. 主要阐述查询部分的实现。
- Does the rent include utilities? 租金含水电费吗?
- Labour is not creative of objects,but of utilities. 劳动并不创造物品,而是创造效用。
- To answer telephone calls, enquiries and requests. 接听电话,回复客户咨询与要求。
- No, this is American Rail Enquiries. 不,这里是美国铁路问讯处。
- Or as part of the Gnosis Utilities package. 或作为Gnosis实用程序包一部分的。