- You can use point size but there are better alternatives. 你可以使用磅值,但是你也有更好的选择。
- Basis GB T 1.1- 2 0 0 0 is brief the normative use point that discussed a watch, to the demur of non-standard use circumstance that expresses in active standard. 依据GB T 1.;1- 2 0 0 0简要论述了表的规范使用要点;对现行标准中表的不规范使用情况提出异议。
- For clues of landscape, we make full use of symmetry axis layout using point line, facing into the King. 以景观意境为线索,充分运用轴线对称布局,采用点,线,面成景的方式。
- In case of emergency use pointed end to strike the car window glass if passe... 车祸时用来打碎车窗玻璃,割断安全带,紧急逃生。
- Download now to be able to upgrade a User-Mode Print Driver using Point and Print. 请立即下载,以便能够使用点和打印升级用户模式打印驱动程序。
- Use pointing or other "showing" gestures to draw attention to something of interest? 使用指向或其他",显示"的姿态,来唤起大家对一些感兴趣?
- Results Parasellar growth to the sellae on the right flank tumors used point approach.Slopes upward growth of tumor growth chose to flank approach. 结果向鞍旁生长的鞍区肿瘤常选用经对侧翼点入路,向上斜坡生长的常选择经肿瘤侵犯生长对侧翼点入路。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- Properties that provide basic support for this; more complex scenarios use points of variability and outcalls to a customizing component. 为此提供基本支持的属性;更复杂的方案使用可变点和对自定义组件的外部调用。
- In real-time rendering phase, view-dependent frustum culling and backface clipping are performed;different regions are rendered using point or triangle according to their distance from viewpoint. 在实时绘制阶段,进行视相关的裁剪和背面剔除,不同子块按视点距离分别由三角形或点进行绘制。
- A toll is charged for the use of the expressway. 在那条高速公路上行驶需付通行费。
- Japanese industry is making increasing use of robots. 日本工业越来越多地使用机器人。
- Enhanced point sprites and point sprite arrays provides a method for application to draw particles using points instead of quads. 改进的点魍魉和点魍魉列阵为应用提供一个方法对凹道微粒使用点代替方形字体。
- Many people use education as a steppingstone to a better life. 许多人将教育作为赢得更好的生活的手段。
- The cod was salted away for future use. 鳕鱼已用盐腌起留着日后吃。
- He insists the condition to use the best material. 他坚持以使用最好的材料为条件。
- They use the press to disseminate right-wing views. 他们利用报刊来传播右翼观点。
- People use maggots as bait when they go fishing. 人们钓鱼时用蛆作钓饵。
- Many items in daily use are made out of plastic. 有很多日常生活用品是塑料制的。
- Hanging is the worst use man can be put to. 绞刑,是使用人的最坏方法。