- Founded in 1667 by the Dutch,it shows the gradual blending of Dutch architecture with the use of local techniques and materials. 由荷兰人于1667年兴建,显示了荷兰建筑风格与运用当地技术和材料渐进融合的过程。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- But in Comedy Night,which portrays vignettes of local life,the use of Singlish has contributedmuch to the comic effect. 但以反映日常生活为主的“搞笑行动”里,“新加坡式英语”的使用加添了节目的喜剧感。
- We shall be unable to turn natural advantage to account unless we make use of local guides. 不用乡导者,不能得地利。
- But in Comedy Night, which portrays vignettes of local life, the use of Singlish has contributedmuch to the comic effect. 但以反映日常生活为主的“搞笑行动”里,“新加坡式英语”的使用加添了节目的喜剧感。
- During Tang and Song dynasties, livestock husbandry in Shayuan area has developed on the basis of full use of local natural resources. 摘要唐宋时期沙苑地区畜牧业的发展,是在充分利用当地自然环境的基础上进行的。
- Khoi Vu. Use of Local Measurements to Estimate Voltage-stability Margin[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,1999 14(3). 付英;李兴源.;基于静态等值的在线实时电压稳定性分析[J]
- You should make maximum use of local equipment and materials available on the local market. 在购买设备,特别是购买材料时,你方应最大限度地依靠当地市场。
- A toll is charged for the use of the expressway. 在那条高速公路上行驶需付通行费。
- Amber canned County, the use of local mosaic walnut, with advanced processing techniques and recipes from. 宁县琥珀罐头,采用当地纸皮核桃,以先进工艺和配方加工而成。
- Japanese industry is making increasing use of robots. 日本工业越来越多地使用机器人。
- His discovery opened up a vast range of prospects for making use of local resources. 他的发现为利用当地资源开辟了广阔的前景。
- Although modest, both public and private architecture form a harmonious whole, thanks to the coherent use of local materials and vernacular techniques. 由于城市建设时一直采用了当地的材料,继承了本地的建筑特色,这一切使得戈亚斯城内公共建筑和私人住宅达成了和谐统一。
- The uses of this machine are manifold. 这台机器有多种用途。
- Careless use of the clutch may damage the gears. 离合器使用不慎可能损坏传动装置。
- Crime prevention activities include the use of local convenience stores as a meeting point for crime prevention patrols by community groups. 犯罪预防活动包括:利用当地的便利店作为开会地点,社区组成犯罪预防巡逻小组。
- The use of lead-free petrol is now being phased in. 无铅汽油的应用现正逐步推广。
- The use of combined DTaP-IPV vaccine reduces the number of vaccinations to be taken in the same visit. It also reduces the chance of local reactions. 采用新的混合疫苗不但减少接种次数,更能降低注射部位出现不良反应的机会。
- She is economical in her use of salt when cooking. 她烹饪时用盐很少。
- That an enterprise's purchases or use of imported products be limited to an amount related to the volume or value of local products that it exports. 要求企业购买或使用的进口产品限制在与其出口的当地产品的数量或价值相关的水平。