- He suppressed the urge to respond to the question. 他忍住回答这个问题的冲动。
- He has an urge to become a cinema star. 他渴望当一名电影明星。
- The urge to survive drove them on. 求生的欲望驱使他们继续努力。
- He failed to respond to the medicine. 他服了这药未见起色。
- They were prompt to respond to our call for help. 他们对我们的求助迅即回应。
- The capacity to respond to stimuli. 反应力对刺激的反应能力
- Less than the normal ability to respond to stimuli. 敏感减轻对刺激反应能力低于正常水平
- She felt a deep urge to write about them. 她迫切想写他们的事迹。
- Urge to quality improvement for incoming goods. 促进进货产品质量提高。
- I felt an irresistible urge to laugh. 我禁不住想笑出来。
- They are prompting to respond to our call for help. 他们对我们的求助迅即回应。
- I had an uncontrollable urge to laugh. 我忍不住想笑。
- He resolved to respond to the call of the Party. 他决心响应党的号召。
- Julia had to subdue an urge to stroke his hair. 朱莉娅不得不克制住自己,没有去抚摩他的头发。
- Would anyone care to respond to the last question? 有愿意回答最后一个问题吗?
- She fought back the urge to run. 她尽力抑制住不跑。
- To respond to a defendant's plea. (原告对被告)答辩对被告的抗辩进行答辩
- The adults have a powerful urge to cherish a chick. 成年的企鹅有种强烈的使命感 要把幼小的企鹅抚育成长
- I give you two minutes to respond. 我给你两分钟的时间做出反应。
- This urge to take revenge is something that we have to tame. 这种复仇的冲动是我们必须抑制的。