- This article introduces the quality control during urea plant contruction,which can ensure long service life. 介绍了尿素装置工程建设阶级工程质量特点和各阶段的质量控制。
- The urea plant was revamped to a large extent,and the actual operation effect was appraised after revamping. 对装置进行了较大规模的技术改造,评价了装置改造后的实际运行效果。
- This paper describes modification design for louvers of prilling tower of urea plant with a capacity of 520000t/a. 介绍年产52万t尿素装置造粒塔的百叶窗改造设计情况,改进后的百叶窗使用情况良好,尿素颗粒的外观质量有明显提高。
- This article briefly introduces the damage of check valve at the oulet of the HP liquid ammonia pump in the urea plant, and put forward the solution. 简要介绍了尿素装置高压液氨泵出口止回阀的损坏情况,并提出了解决办法。
- This paper briefly introduces the damage of check valve of the HP liquid ammonia pump in the urea plant, and put forward the solution. 介绍了尿素装置高压液氨泵出口止回阀的损坏情况,并提出了解决办法。
- Analyzes the design defects of ammonia condenser in SNAM ammonia stripping process urea plant and provides the improvement methods. 剖析斯那姆氨汽提法尿素生产装置中氨冷凝器的设计缺陷,提出改进措施。
- The author thinks that the application of thermodynamic hydrolysis processin treating the effluent from desorber of urea plant is feasible. 认为选用热力水解法处理尿素解吸废水是可行的。
- This article presents the leakage,reasons,repairing methods and protection of urea reactor lining in Jianfeng Ammonia Urea Plant. 介绍尿素合成塔衬里泄漏情况、原因分析、修理方法及对策。
- The urea plant was revamped with ACES21 process to expand capacity and save energy in the second chemical fertilizer plant of Chuanhua Co. 川化股份有限公司第二化肥厂采用ACES21工艺对尿素装置进行了增产节能技术改造。
- Briefly presents the operation and overhaul of ammonia stripper of urea plant over the years, especially sums up the turnover of the stripper during its overhaul in2004. 简要介绍尿素装置汽提塔历年来运行及检修情况,特别针对2004年汽提塔调头检修的情况作了总结。
- Briefly presents the operation and overhaul of ammonia stripper of urea plant over the years, especially sums up the turnover of the stripper during its overhaul in 2004. 简要介绍尿素装置汽提塔历年来运行及检修情况,特别针对2004年汽提塔调头检修的情况作了总结。
- The selection of the control schema for CO2 compressor which fits to 130 kt/a urea plant is introduced. A list of control points is given for this purpose. 介绍与年产13万吨尿素相配套的往复式CO_2压缩机控制方案的选择,并以控制点一览表形式给出了整套控制方案。
- This paper introduced the reformation of ammonia recovery system and influence on the environment in urea plant ,the process is the energy-saving and easy to operation. 介绍新尿素装置中压氨系统停车排放过程中氨回收的改造及所取得的效果,对环境的影响,达到操作优化、节能降耗的目的。
- Recoverv and treatment methods of the condensate from low-temperature shiftprocess of synthetic ammon iaproduction and the effluent from desorber of urea plant are revie-wed in this paper. 介绍了氮肥厂对合成氨低温变换工艺冷凝液和尿素解吸废水的回收处理方法。
- Revamped the conventional panel instruments of CO_2 compressor, compatible with the DCS and CCC control system for the revamped urea plant, achieved the non-panel CRT operation of all autocontrol instrument of urea plant. 通过对二氧化碳压缩机原常规表盘仪表进行改造,与已改造的尿素装置DCS集散控制系统和CCC压缩机控制系统协调统一,实现尿素主体生产装置全部自控仪表无表盘CRT操作。
- This paper expounds the basic principles and characteristics of stratified shear packing seal system, and presents its application in the circulating water pump of LP ammonium carbamate condenser of urea plant. 文中对层状剪切式填料密封系统的基本原理与特点进行论述,并介绍其在尿素装置低压甲铵冷凝器循环水泵上的应用情况。
- This paper discusses how to use the vented steam from urea plant for refrigeration instead of freon and analyzes the feasibility fromthe points of technique,equipment and energy consumption. 讨论了如何利用化肥厂尿素装置放空蒸汽制冷来取代氟里昂制冷,并从技术、设备及能耗等方面作了分析。
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。
- This paper briefly introduces the leakage situation of titanium ammoinia strippers in domestic SNAM-type urea plants in recent years. 简要介绍了国内多家SNAM型尿素装置钛材氨汽提塔近年来出现的泄漏情况,对其泄漏的原因进行了分析,并对其检修情况作了介绍。
- CITIC voted to build the chemical industry analyst pointed out that ammonia and urea plant are the core of its business lines, if the explosion happened, then it will affect production. 中信建投化工行业分析师指出,合成氨、尿素装置是其业务线的核心,如果发生爆炸,就会影响企业生产。