- In 1978,the average annual income per urban resident came to 343 RMB yuan,and that per rural resident,134 RMB yuan. 到1978年,城镇居民人均可支配收入增至343元,农村居民人均收入增至134元。
- Agricultural households will be transformed to register as urban resident households. 农业户口改登为城市居民户口。
- In 1978, the average annual income per urban resident came to 343 RMB yuan, and that per rural resident, 134 RMB yuan. 到1978年,城镇居民人均可支配收入增至343元,农村居民人均收入增至134元。
- In 1949, the average annual income per urban resident was less than 100 RMB yuan, and that per rural resident, less than 50 RMB yuan. 1949年,城镇居民人均年现金收入不足100元,农村居民人均纯收入不足50元;
- Results indicate that there is a marked difference on consumption level between rural resident and urban resident . 结果表明,河南农村居民的消费水平与城镇居民相比有较大差距。
- At the same time, the architecture was applied to the Medical Insurance DSS for Urban Resident and showed good effect. 同时将该模型应用于某医疗保险决策支持系统(DSS)中,取得了良好的效果。
- In 1949,the average annual income per urban resident was less than 100 RMB yuan,and that per rural resident,less than 50 RMB yuan. 1949年,城镇居民人均年现金收入不足100元,农村居民人均纯收入不足50元。
- The government tried to remit the urban residents into stability. 政府力图使城镇居民恢复安定生活。
- The paper analyses the characteristic of living water for urban resident, introduces the principle and the method establishing the water duty in Liaoning province. 本文分析了城镇居民生活用水的特点,介绍了辽宁省城镇居民生活用水定额制定的原则、方法。
- The proposition of" New Jiangnan Water country" is to awaken a sort of natural urban developing notion, inspire a sort of humanism urban resident notion, sparkplug a sort of comprehensive urban value notion. 新江南水乡”的提出是为了唤醒一种自然的城市发展观,激发一种人文的城市居住观,倡导一种包容的城市价值观。
- The income of both rural and urban residents has increased steadily. 中国城乡居民收入水平稳定增长。
- Urban residents,farmers and herdsmen now enjoy the right to receive education. 广大城镇居民、农牧民享受到教育的权利。
- Why does a small urban residence booklet have such a great restrictive power? 小小一册户口本,为什么有如此大的束缚力呢?
- Urban residents, farmers and herdsmen now enjoy the right to receive education. 广大城镇居民、农牧民享受到教育的权利。
- We find that there lacks identification on middle strata among urban residents. 研究发现当前城市公众的主观阶层认同呈现出“中间阶层认同”相对缺乏的特点。
- Immigrant workers were classed as resident aliens. 移民来的工人已归入外侨类。
- We should improve the systems of unemployment insurance and subsistence allowances for urban residents. 健全失业保险制度和城市居民最低生活保障制度。
- I have been resident in this hotel for two weeks. 我已经在这家旅馆里住了两个星期了。
- The system for ensuring a minimum standard of living for urban residents shall be standardized. 规范城市居民最低生活保障制度。