- Problems and Risks in the Urban Land Reserve System 城市土地储备制度存在的问题与风险
- Rescarch on urban land reserve in China 我国城市土地储备的几个问题
- The implementation of urban land reserving fund plays an important role in government's macro adjustment of urban land market,control of land supply total quantity,the standardizing of land market. 城市土地储备制度的实施对加强城市政府对土地市场的宏观调控,控制土地供给总量,规范土地市场发展起到了明显的作用。
- Deviation or Return: A Study of the Legitimacy of Urban Land Reserve in China 异化与回归:我国城市土地储备制度的正当性考辨
- the urban land reservation system 城市土地储备制度
- urban land reserve 土地储备
- A studying on intensive utilization of current urban land. 当前我国城市土地集约利用问题刍议。
- The establishment of Land Reserve System plays a critical role in regulating and cultivating land market, enlarging financial revenue and promoting reasonable, actualization of urban planning. 城市土地储备制度的建立,对于规范和培育土地市场、增加政府财政收入、促进城市规划的合理实施等都具有重要意义。
- The urban land operation with the core of land purchase and reserve is an innovation in utilizing the urban lands. 摘要以土地收购储备为核心的城市土地经营是城市土地使用制度的一项重大创新。
- Houstoun, Lawrence O. "BIDs at Home and Abroad." Urban Land (2002): 42-47. 国内与国外的商业改善区域〉,刊于《都市土地》,2002年:第42~47页。
- Establishing the City Land Reserve System is an innovation of our city land utility system,which is also an objective request of the system reforms. 建立城市土地储备制度是我国城市用地制度的创新,是进一步深化我国城市用地制度改革的一种客观要求。
- The CPD Land Reserve &Dealing Center also got 3 billion credit line extension for the construction and development of surrounding areas of Meixi Lake. 大河西先导区土地储备(交易)中心也获得意向授信30亿元,主要用于梅溪湖周边地区城建及配套项目的开发建设。
- Practices “the land reserve system” at the land business, the government the land which concentrates, through incurs the racket to hang carries on sells. 在土地买卖上实行“土地储备制度”,政府把集中起来的土地,通过招拍挂进行出让。
- Urban land reservation system 城市土地储备制度
- Clearly, the newly formed group Plaza project less than three years, the land reserve resources are not adequate Huayuan companies such as eagle Chachi. 显然,东华广场项目使新成立不到三年,土地储备资源并不充分的华远公司如雄鹰插翅。
- On average, in a hectare of urban land, there are two cats and each eats 8 birds a year. 城市每公顷平均有2只猫,每只猫每年吃8只鸟。
- Conversion of the microfilmed land documents of the Urban Land Registry into electronic images was completed in December 1998. 市区土地注册处以缩微菲林保存的土地文件,于一九九八年十二月全部转换为电子影像。
- The Land Registry, comprising the Urban Land Registry and eight New Territories Land Registries, is responsible for registering documents affecting land. 土地注册处由市区土地注册处和八个新界土地注册处组成,负责注册所有与土地有关的文件。
- Classes of Land for Taxation: urban land, agricultural land, forest land, and other land. 根据税收的土地分类:城市用地,农业用地,林地和其他土地。