- Urban Construction Archives Management 城建档案管理
- Reflection on the exploitation of file information resources in urban construction archives 关于城建档案馆开发档案信息资源的思考
- Building high-performance and high-adaptability database management platform on urban construction archives 倾力打造高性能高适应性城建档案数据库管理平台
- Editing and research of urban construction archives promoting archives culture and urban culture to integration level 城建档案编研工作使档案文化与城市文化融合升华
- Law-enforcement personnel in urban construction archives should have the qualities 城建档案行政执法人员应具备的素质
- Exploring the methods of active service on information resources of urban construction archives 探索城建档案信息资源主动服务的方法
- Discussion on topographic map electronic information retrieval system as a means of access mainly urban construction archives 电子地形图检索体系作为信息化城建档案馆主要检索手段的探讨
- Approaching petition-letter contradictions initiated by real estate company irregularities and countermeasures from the urban construction archives 从城建档案看开发商违规引发的信访矛盾及对策
- Stone carving history and stone carving art--The meaning and value of stone carving in Foshan urban construction archives 石刻的历史石刻的艺术--佛山市城建档案馆馆藏石刻的意义和价值
- urban construction archives 城市建设档案馆
- And launched urban construction in a creative way. 而且创造性地开展了城市建设。
- Fengtai Urban Construction Comprehensive Development Co. 丰台城市建设综合开发公司。
- Urban construction consumes large stocks of material resources. 城市建设消费大量物资。
- Today Xigaze rapid urban construction, highway transportation networks. 今天日喀则城市建设日新月异,公路交通四通八达。
- Urban construction archive 城建档案
- It also investigate strategies of building efficient modern tramway and the role of the modern tramway in the urban transit and urban construction. 现代有轨电车应成为中等城市的主要公共交通工具,也应作为大城市中大运量交通工具的辅助,应该在我国推广。
- archives work of urban construction 城建档案工作
- (4) to utilize audio-visuals, cinematographic and television mediums, etc., to accumulate urban construction archival materials of wide range, keep adding to the Archive’s collections; (四)利用声像、影视等手段广泛积累城市建设的档案材料,不断富馆藏。
- May I hereby declare open“ Shanghai International Symposium On Urban Construction”. 现在我宣布“上海城市建设国际研讨会”现在开幕。
- Construction Archives Management 工程档案管理