- Uranium minerals also occur in the basal beds of the kombolgie formation. 铀矿物也见于科姆波尔吉建造的基底层位中。
- Age determination data indicate episodic crystallization of uranium minerals. 年龄测定数据表明,铀矿物有着不同期的结晶。
- Secondary uranium minerals are illustrated in a Bureau of Minerial Resources prospector's handbook. 次生铀矿物已列入矿物资源局的普查手册中。
- As expected, the researchers found the xenon isotope produced by uranium fission in uranium minerals from this deposit. 正如所预料的那样,研究人员发现氙同位素是由这些沉积矿床中的铀矿物裂变产生的。
- Coffinite is the uranium mineral. 铀矿物为铀石。
- Secondary uranium minerals are illustrated in a Bureau of Minerial Resources prospector's handbook . 次生铀矿物已列入矿物资源局的普查手册中。
- BHP Billiton, on the other hand, has largely stood aside from the merger frenzy save for the acquisition of WMC Resources, an Australian nickel and uranium miner, for $7 billion in 2005. 而另一方BHP,早已经远远地避开了收购的狂潮,因为其在2005年为了收购澳大利亚的一家开采镍和铀的公司而花费了70亿美元。
- Secondary uranium minerals are illustrated in a Bureau of Mineral Resources prospector's handbook. 次生铀矿物已列入矿物资源局的普查手册中。
- The apatite plays an important role in Xiangshan rich uranium mineralization. 相山铀矿田中磷灰石对生成特富铀矿有着十分重要的作用。
- Pitchblende is the most important industrial uranium mineral in China. 沥青铀矿是我国最重要的工业铀矿物。
- Ordos basin occurrence of uranium minerals 电子探针
- These days,mining of the deep have achieved more than 1 km,and uranium mineralization locate 4 km deep in underground. 国内外重大矿产的成功发掘,其深度均在千米以上,铀矿化垂向分布深度可达4 km以上。
- However, other types of uranium mineralization with complicated composition occur in this region too. 本文旨就该类矿床中的铀及多元素建造类型列举了34号矿床和相山矿田611,6122等矿床进行具体对比。
- Finally, uranium mineralization associated with reworking type and syntectic type are systematically summarized. 文章最后系统地总结了改造型与同熔型花岗岩的铀矿化特徵。
- Pitchblende is the only primary uranium mineral, which is associated with quartz, fluorite, hematite and pyrite. 沥青铀矿是矿石中唯一的原生铀矿物,其共生矿物主要有石英、萤石、赤铁矿和黄铁矿。
- He doubles the parts of a farmhand and a miner. 在这出戏里他既扮演雇农又扮演矿工。
- There are many uranium mineralized and anomaly occurrences (belts) with great prospect in this basin. 通过多年在该盆地的地质工作,在盆内发现了众多的铀矿化异常点(带),呈现良好的找矿前景。
- The main uranium mineralizations in Sanjiu area are hydrothermal vein type and cataclastic altered rock type in granites. 三九地区铀矿化类型主要为花岗岩热液脉型和碎裂蚀变岩型。
- At 6122 Deposit fourth zone of the XiangShan Uranium Mineral Field, it is thought that the main rock contained ore are dacite and mortar-lava. 在相山铀矿田6122矿床4号带的主要含矿岩石英安岩和“碎斑熔岩”之外发现了新的含矿岩石凝灰岩。
- Uranium mineralization of ductile fault rock type and other types were with metallogenetic ages being of Middle-Late Proterozoic and Late Paleozoic. 发育有韧性断层岩型等铀矿化类型,成矿时代为中晚元古代和古生代晚期。