- uranium fuel rod 铀燃料棒
- Once irradiated, the uranium fuel elements tend to lose strength and become wrinkled. 经辐射,铀燃料的强度往往减弱并且会出现皱曲现象。
- In this paper the natural uranium fuel Cycle and currently developed advanced CANDU fuel cycles in the near future are described. 介绍CANDU 堆的天然铀燃料循环以及最近开发的适合未来近期的先进燃料循环。
- The technology of power adjusting is one of the key technologies of fuel rod ramp test. 燃料棒功率瞬变调节技术是燃料元件堆内瞬态行为试验研究中的关键技术之一。
- Mere talk of fudging the rules last year encouraged Russia to break them, citing spurious “safety” concerns as an excuse to sell India uranium fuel. 去年,仅仅是对于规避规则的会谈便使得俄罗斯坏了规矩,用所谓的“安全”考虑作为借口向印度出售铀燃料。
- Although supplies of uranium fuel were known to he limited and might become exhausted in half a century,the nuclear power plant has for a long time been a favorite project. 尽管大家知道铀燃料的供应是有限的,而且可能在半个世纪内耗尽,原子能发电站多年来却一直是特别受人喜爱的项目。
- Although supplies of uranium fuel were known to he limited and might become exhausted in half a century, the nuclear power plant has for a long time been a favorite project. 尽管大家知道铀燃料的供应是有限的,而且可能在半个世纪内耗尽,原子能发电站多年来却一直是特别受人喜爱的项目。
- The low-enriched uranium fuel consists of half-millimetre-sized particles of uranium dioxide encased in graphite and silicon carbide, which in turn is encased in a graphite ball. 低浓缩的铀燃料为包裹在石墨和碳化硅中半毫米大小的二氧化铀微粒,石墨和碳化硅则被包裹在石墨球中。
- Under the deal brokered by the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency last month, most of Iran's low-enriched uranium would be shipped abroad, where it would be enriched further to produce fuel rods. 根据这项协议由联合国斡旋国际原子能机构上个月,伊朗的低浓缩铀的大部分将运往国外,在那里将进一步丰富,生产核燃料棒。
- And the uranium fuel is encapsulated in rugged “pebbles”, the size of tennisballs, which are designed to withstand a loss of coolant withoutdisintegrating, making the reactor extremely safe. 铀燃料被压成粗糙的网球大小的“卵石”,这种“卵石”的设计可以在冷冻剂不足时不会碎裂,使反应堆非常的安全。
- Many nuclear reactor cores consist of radioactive fuel rods dunked in water. 许多核反应堆的核心部分就是由浸在水中的放射性燃料棒组成。
- Helium leak testing of nuclear fuel rod for PWR GB/T11813-1996压水堆燃料棒氦质谱检漏
- Equivalent Hydrogen Control of Fuel Rod 燃料棒当量氢控制
- nuclear fuel rod sheath leak detector 核燃料棒包壳泄漏探测器
- High-enriched uranium fuel economy in RA reactor Ra 堆中高浓铀燃料经济性
- Research on Design Criteria for PWR Fuel Rod 压水堆燃料棒若干设计准则的研讨
- Air cleaning of uranium fuel element plants 铀燃料元件厂的空气净化
- Models for fuel rod behaviour at high burnup 高燃耗燃料棒性能模型
- AFA 2G and AFA 3G Fuel Rod Performance Analysis AFA 3G与AFA 2G燃料棒性能分析
- The fuel rods then assembled in clusters to form the fuel assemblies for loading into the reactor core. 燃料棒集中后,会组合成为燃料组件,供放入反应堆堆芯使用。