- With the advent of globalization and borderless trade comes the misguided belief that English is a panacea for all, a mastery of which will invariably make one's upward social mobility way easier. 伴随著全球化和无国界贸易的到来,误以为英语是所有事物的万灵丹,精通英语将无疑使个人往更容易通往社会高阶。
- upward social mobility 社会地位的上向流动
- America provides vast social mobility. 在美国,社会地位的升降度很大。
- Recent years have witnessed a growing social mobility. 近年来人们的社会流动性越来越大。
- We believe in allowing everyone to compete in a fair manner. Our social mobility is among the highest in the world. 香港具有最公平的竞争机制,是上向流动性最强的社会之一。
- For children from poorer families, the main hope of social mobility is through education. 对于贫穷家庭的孩子来说,提高社会地位的主要希望是通过教育。
- The third article views economic transformations and universal education as the causes motivating social mobility. 社会流动则因经济转型和教育的普及,而产生大量的中产阶级。
- When people sense inequality and try to change the situation, the process of social mobility has already begun. 人在意识到社会不平等并亟思改变时,社会流动就开始了。
- Pierre Bourdieu's view reveals that the function of social mobility bears the features of both stability and nihilism. 其观点揭示了高等教育的社会流动功能既具有稳定性也具有虚无主义的特征。
- This expansion of education has not brought about a similar increase in social mobility. 教育的扩张并未在社会流动性方面引起相似的增长。
- And the increase of social mobility, as well as the flexibility on bound of estates was the deep reason for the change. 宋代社会流动性的增强,等级界限的松弛,则是士商关系变化的深层原因。
- In general, sampling frame based on household registration becomes troublesome due the biases from social mobility. 作者指出由于社会流动;以户籍资料做为抽样的依据造成偏差。
- Hsu, L. K. (1971), Under the ancestors' shadow: kinship, personality and social mobility in China, Standford: Standford University Press. 陈龙安(1986);陶伦斯图形创造思考测验(乙式)指导手册;台北市立师范专科学校特殊教育中心;.
- Laura Barbour of the Sutton Trust, a social mobility charity which funded the research, said buggy manufacturers should look closely at the findings. 为该研究提供资金支持的“萨顿信托”教育慈善基金会的劳拉.;巴伯尔称,童车生产商应密切关注这一研究结果。
- Wang's fast climb shows social mobility is still working in China even as the country faces widening gaps between the haves and have-nots. 王传福迅速成名显示出,尽管中国的贫富差距正在加大,但仍有人能够通过个人奋斗跻身上层社会。
- Although everyone differs in family background and individual talent, equity still exists through fair opportunity offered in the process of social mobility. 每个人的背景和天赋都不同,一个公平的社会可以给每个人平等的机会。
- With the transition from a planned economy to a market economy,from traditional society to modern society,the social mobility mechanism of peasants has changed. 随着我国由计划经济向市场经济转型、从传统社会向现代社会转变,农民的社会流动机制发生了变迁。
- Along with them goes social mobility, ambition to rise in the urban world, a main factor in bringing down the births in Europe in the nineteenth century. 在十九世纪的欧洲,伴随着社会的移动,在大城市中野心的增强是一个主要的因素导致了出生率的下降。
- The smoke from his pipe twisted upward. 从他烟斗冒出来的烟盘旋上升。
- Education shoulder social stratification of social functions, and higher education at different levels of education to promote inter-generational social mobility even more. 教育肩负着社会分层的社会职能,而高等教育在不同层次的教育中,促进社会代际流动的作用更大。