- I'd like a room on the upper level. 我想要楼上的房间。
- I would like a room on the upper level. 我想要一间上等的房间。
- Why has to spoil me? Explains your level high? 为什么要糟蹋我?说明你水平高吗?
- Each upper level index page is written when it is filled. 每个上级索引页在填充时被写入。
- Behind the other wall is the upper level of the school auditorium. 在别一边墙的后面,是学校大礼堂的上层平面。
- The spiriting banded structure of the dissipatingMCS reflects the upper level mesoscale high caused by the convective latent heating associated with the MCS. 这种涡旋结构不同与北美发现的中层中尺度气旋,它可能是凝结加热所产生的对流层高层的高压反气旋环流的反映。
- Being at an energy level higher than the ground state. 受激发的处于高于基态的能量级的
- The upper level is a separate white cube, cantilevering over a big span. 上层是个单独的白色立方体旋臂,左右跨幅大。
- The northeastern area had an upper level of urbanization from modern China. 摘要东北地区是近代以来中国城市化发展水平较高的区域。
- In the high rate wireless communication system,automatic repeat request(ARQ)technology is indispensable in link layer,which shields the packet loss of the wireless channel from the upper level. 在高速无线通信中,自动请求重传(ARQ)是链路层不可缺少的技术,它通过重传向上层屏蔽无线链路上包的丢失。
- The upper level dry and cold air with high moist potential vorticity value was superposed to the low-level disturbance,which was advantageous to instability stratification strength and precipitation. 高空具有高湿位势涡度值的干冷空气叠加在低层扰动上,有利于不稳定层结的加强和降水发生。
- Upper levels are reached via timber staircases and gantries. 上层是透过木材楼梯和门架。
- An open-sided, roofed gallery or arcade along the front or side of a building, often at an upper level. 凉廊建筑前部或一侧有顶而敞开的走廊或拱廊,通常位于高层
- Recently, multiphoton microscopy is an emerging non-invasive technology, which can provide cellular level high resolution images in vivo. 多光子显微镜是一种非侵入性的系统,可提供细胞层次的高解析度,近年来被应用于观测活体生物的研究。
- An atom on an excited upper level can execute a downward transition not just spontaneously but also when photons of the radiation field surrounding the atomic interact with it. 处在较高的激发态上的原子不只可以自发地而且可以在它与原子系统周围辐射场的光子相互作用时发生向下的跃迁。
- In this paper, we focus on bilevel programming problem with a common decision variable in the upper level and lower level programming. 摘要主要讨论上下层具有共同决策变量的一类二层规划问题的求解方法。
- Places such as Guangzhou, Foshan, Zhongshan, Zhuhai, Jiangmen and Yangjiang present the rare storm tide, as soon as its tide level high is hundred years meets. 广州、佛山、中山、珠海、江门和阳江等地均出现罕见的风暴潮,其潮位之高为百年一遇。
- They feed location and usage information directly to the upper levels. 它们直接向上一层提供位置和使用情况的消息。
- It is a global masking process for any interrupt of level higher than n. 对于比n更高的任何中断级来说,这是一个总的屏蔽处理。