- Tibet later became a local regime practicing a system of feudal serfdom under a theocracy, and ruled by a few upper-class monks and nobles. 由于历史的原因,西藏后来发展成为一个极少数上层僧侣贵族掌权的政教合一的封建农奴制的地方政权,使得藏传佛教文化在一个较长的时期内处于西藏文化的主导地位。
- Tibet later became a local regime practicing a system of feudal serfdom under a theocracy,and ruled by a few upper-class monks and nobles. 由于历史的原因,西藏后来发展成为一个极少数上层僧侣贵族掌权的政教合一的封建农奴制的地方政权,使得藏传佛教文化在一个较长的时期内处于西藏文化的主导地位。
- An upper class brand and a plebeian brand. 自古至今,太监无法当皇帝,正是同样的道理。
- This part of town is where the upper class live. 镇上这个地区是上层阶级的人住的。
- Men of the upper class are usually sterile and dehumanized. 上层阶级的男人通常是萎靡不振,缺乏人性本能力量的。
- One group was working class and one was upper class. 一组是工人阶级,另一组是贵族阶级。
- Of or appropriate to the upper class, especially in language usage. 上流社会的上流社会的或适合于上流社会的,尤其是在语言用法上
- There is a kind of privity between monks and elephants. 僧侣与大象之间是有一种默契的。
- Her novels poke fun at the upper class. 她的小说嘲弄上流社会。
- Monks and nuns who prophesy are not of that rareness. 说预言的修士和修女,很少有这个祥子的。
- We're more like "fixer upper class. 我们更像是上流社会的定影液。
- By me princes rule, and nobles, All who judge rightly. 箴8:16王子和首领、世上一切的审判官、都是藉我掌权。
- Monks and nuns who prophesy are not of that rareness . 说预言的修士和修女,很少有这个祥子的。
- The people she associates with are all upper class. 她交接的人都是上流社会的。
- By me princes rule, and nobles, even all the judges of the earth. 王子和首领,世上一切的审判官,都是借我掌权。
- Oh I hate you privileged upper class people. 噢,我恨你们这些有特权的上流社会。
- An Augustinian monk and later abbot at the Abbey of St. 孟德尔是奥古斯丁修会的修士,后来在布尔诺市的圣汤玛斯修道院担任院长;该地原属奥匈帝国,如今是捷克共和国的一部份。
- I completed my training as a monk and began practicing Zen. 在完成出家训练以后,我便立即开始修禅。
- Then he was ordained a monk and gave up his kingly life. 然后他被任命为和尚,放弃了他的君主生活。
- These people should be classified as the upper class. 这些人应该属于上等阶层。