occupying the highest socioeconomic position in a society
用作形容词 (adj.)
In Persia, perfume was considered a sign of high rank or class. 在波斯,香水被视为上层阶级的标志。
Geonosian society exists for the benefit of the few in the upper caste.Ruling members think nothing of forcing thousands of workers to labor for their whims. 吉诺西斯人的社会是为了少数上层阶级的利益而存在的,统治阶级将强迫数以千计的劳工去为他们一时的念头工作视为平常之事。
During the first quarter of the century, among society's upper classes, wine was central to the male dinner party. 在十九世纪的前二十五年,上层社会阶层绅士的晚宴上最重要的就是葡萄酒。
A little of Egypt and Bohemia in the lower regions suited the upper spheres, and compassed the aims of the powerful. 下层社会略带一点埃及和波希米亚的作风,那是上层社会所欢迎的,那样可以替当权的人解决一些问题。
During the first quarter of the century, among society's upper classes, wine was central to the male dinner party. 在十九世纪的前二十五年,上层社会阶层绅士的晚宴上最重要的就是葡萄酒。
A little of Egypt and Bohemia in the lower regions suited the upper spheres, and compassed the aims of the powerful. 下层社会略带一点埃及和波希米亚的作风,那是上层社会所欢迎的,那样可以替当权的人解决一些问题。