- Objective This study was designed to examine the dentofacial morphology of the children in Shanghai with congenital absence of upper anterior teeth. 目的了解上海地区上前牙先天缺失儿童的牙颌面形态特征,探讨上前牙先天缺失对颌面部生长发育的影响。
- It is suite difficult for dentist to treat patients with upper anterior teeth lost due to severe periodontitis with bimaxillary dentoalveolar protrusion. 摘要临床上患有双颚齿槽前突合并有严重牙周病而丧失上颚若干前牙的病患,欲寻求理想的整合性复健是相当困难的。
- Incisive papilla is a significant anatomical landmark in locating upper anterior teeth position in partial or complete and implant prosthetic denture fabrication procedure. 摘要在全口义齿的制作上,门齿乳突是决定上颚前齿位置的一个重要指标。
- Results: It turns out that early orthodontic therapy was helpful to incline the upper anterior teeth, lengthen the dental arch, and reduce occlusal trauma. 观察模型特征,并结合临床检查资料进行分析,以去除病因为目标进行早期矫治。
- Objective To discuss the clinical application of porcelain-fused-to-metal allied crown to restore upper anterior teeth which are loosen and deep overjet in periodontitis. 目的探讨金瓷联冠修复因牙周病松动伴深覆盖的上前牙临床应用价值。
- Objective: To observe the difference of two methods by using Australian wires with vertival loops and using Niti wires to treat upper anterior teeth with severely lingually tipping. 目的:了解使用垂直曲的澳丝与镍钛丝在矫正上前牙严重舌倾的区别。
- Collection and analysis of upper anterior teeth's natural chromatic value of the residents in Xi'an city 西安市居民上颌前牙天然色度值的采集和分析
- Keywords Upper Anterior Teeth;Congenital Absence;Cephalometric Analysis;Shanghai; 上前牙;先天缺失;头影测量;上海;
- Comparison of Two Methods by Using Australian Wires and Usitg Niti Wires to Treat Upper Anterior Teeth with Severely Lingually Tipping 上前牙严重舌倾的澳丝与镍钛丝矫正比较
- Observation of clinical effect on the treatment of crown-root fractures of the upper anterior teeth using the method of surgical extrusion of root 外科辅助法治疗上前牙冠根联合折的临床研究
- Keywords Radiography;dental;digital Upper anterior tooth Unerupted tooth Midsagittal plane; 关键词放射摄影术;牙科;数字;上前牙;埋伏牙;正中矢状面;
- Evaluation of the clinical effects of porcelain fused to metal allied cronm to restore loosen and deep overjet upper anterior teeth in periodontitis patients 金瓷联冠修复因牙周病松动伴深覆盖上前牙临床评价
- Clinical significance of orthodontic correction followed by prosthetic treatment in managing adult patients with upper anterior teeth loss and anterior cross bite 成年人上前牙缺失伴前牙反牙合矫治后修复的临床意义
- Impacted anterior teeth due to a small mandible. 影响前牙由于小下颌。
- upper anterior teeth 上颌前牙
- Objective To discuss the curative effect of upper jaw lip-side expansion for anterior teeth. 目的探讨上颌唇向扩弓活动矫治器对上前牙拥挤的治疗效果。
- Objective To discuss the methods for the impaction of maxillary anterior teeth. 目的探讨上前牙阻生的治疗方法。
- Methods The needle was inserted from a point on upper anterior axillary line into retromammary space, then PAM-HG was injected. 方法由腋前线上部一点进针至乳腺后间隙而注入聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶。
- Objective: To evaluate the clinical experience in treatment of traumatic avulsed anterior teeth. 目的:探讨外伤性前牙脱位的临床治疗体会。
- Methods The needle enter from a bit of the entrance on upper anterior axillary line into the retromammary space, then inject PAM-HG. 方法由腋前线上部进针至乳腺后间隙而注入聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶。