- upon her good behavioradj. 行为检点(规矩)
- When Carrie had gone, he felicitated himself upon her good opinion. 嘉莉走后,他庆幸自己获得了她的好感。
- He sometimes lapses from good behavior. 他有时候会行为失检。
- She preened herself upon her beauty. 她为自已的美貌感到自满。
- Several witnesses can attest to her good character. 好几位证人证实她品行端正。
- He reciprocated by wishing her good luck. 他也祝她交好运。
- Her good qualities opened out as she grew in years. 她的优秀品质随着年龄的增长而更趋完美。
- A strange calmness settled upon her. 她表现出一种奇异的平静。
- The duty fell upon her shoulders. 这一责任落在了她的肩上。
- Her good look gave her a pull over other girls. 她的美貌使她与其他女孩相比占了优势。
- Her behavior will leave a stigma upon her family. 她的行为会使她家声名有了污点。
- I'm not in her good graces at the moment. 我此刻尚未讨得她的欢心。
- She gasped in wonderment at her good luck. 她运气这样好,惊奇地倒抽了一口凉气。
- She models her behavior upon her brother's. 她仿效哥哥的举止。
- Her good character is certificated. 她的好品德有文件为证。
- It would be rude to remark upon her appearance. 议论她的外表是不礼貌的。
- A leaf came upon her book as she was reading. 她正读著书,一片树叶落到她的书上。
- He took advantage of her good nature. 他利用了她脾气好这个特点。
- His good behavior reaped praise. 他的优良品行受到人们的赞扬。
- She decided he must have a bad influence upon her husband. 她断定他一定对她丈夫产生了很坏的影响。